
The most...

The most selfish 1 letter word is "I" .... avoid it!

The most satisfying 2 letter word is "We" .... use it!

The most poisonous 3 letter word is "Ego" .... kill it!

The most used 4 letter word is "Love" .... value it!

The most pleasing 5 letter word is "Smile" .... keep it!

The fastest spreading 6 letter word is "Gossip" .... ignore it!

The hardest working 7 letter word is "Success" .... achieve it!

The most enviable 8 letter word is "Jealousy" .... distance it!

The most powerful 9 letter word is "Knowledge" .... acquire it!

The most essential 10 letter word is "Confidence" .... trust it!

~Unknown author~

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