
It's all about the attitude...

This will be a daily recollection of Spiritual, Motivational, & Love Quotes that might help you to find yourselves; I started reading and collecting them not a long time ago due to someone who got very close to me and made an impact in my life. I really hope you enjoy it...

-You must believe that you have received. You must know that what you want is yours the moment you ask. 06/21/10

-Love cannot be bought, love cannot be demanded... 06/23/10

-If you change the way you look at things, the
things you look at change. 06/29/10

-"As for you, my galvanized friend, you want a heart. You don't know how lucky you are not to have one. Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable." ~The Wizard of Oz~ 07/04/10

-‎"Aquel que salva 1 vida salva el mundo entero." La Lista de Schindler 07/04/10

-‎"Da hasta que duela, y cuando duela da todavia más." ~Madre Teresa de Calcuta~ 07/06/10

-‎"Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing." ~M. T.~ 07/07/10

-‎"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." ~M. T.~ 07/07/10

-‎‎"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit." Napoleon Hill 07/08/10

-"El valor no es la ausencia del miedo, sino el miedo junto a la voluntad de seguir."
~ Feliciano Franco de Urdinarrain ~ 07/09/10

-‎"The only people you need in your life are the ones who need you in theirs." ~ Unknown author ~ 07/10/10

-‎"Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired." ~ M. T. ~ 07/13/10

-‎"You create your future with the power of your intention. Intention is simply the conscious act of determining your future now." ~The Secret~ 07/14/10

-"I love you but I love me more!" Samantha Jones 07/16/10

-‎"Only the one who inflicts the pain, can take it away..." Crystal Harris 07/17/10

-"To be free, we must learn to separate the moment from the situation attached to the moment. The situation is changing. The moment is eternal." ~Unknown author~ 07/19/10

-‎"Don't be reckless with other people's hearts; don't put up with people who are reckless with yours." Baz Luhrmann 07/19/10

-"Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live." ~Unknown author~ 07/20/10

-‎"Everything that you call the world is a sensation inside yourself." Deepak Chopra. 07/21/10

-‎"A shift to dominant thoughts and feelings of love and gratitude is the answer for all unwanted things." The Secret. 07/21/10

-‎"Changes only happen when we go against everything we're used to doing." The Secret 07/22/10

-"Let the water's settle, you will see stars & moon mirrored in your being..." Deepak Chopra. 07/22/10

-‎"When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge, they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got the sneaky feeling that love actually IS all around!" Love Actually. 07/23/10

-‎"True love lasts a lifetime." Emma Thompson. 07/23/10

-"When you choose to put love first, everything that isn't love will fall away." Deepak Chopra 07/24/10

-A couple of Rules for Being Human: 1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it’s yours to keep for the entire period. 2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called, “life.”. 3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial, error, and experimentation. 4. Lessons are repeated until they are learned. 5. Learning lessons does not end. 07/24/10

-"Love cannot be forced, love cannot be coaxed & teased. It comes out of heaven, unasked & unsought." Pearl Buck 07/24/10

-"Your past does not define you, it’s what YOU do with it that makes you who you are." Martin J Allsop 07/25/10

-"There's not enough negativity in the entire world that can eclipse the power of one pure, positive thought. Martin J Allsop 07/26/10

-"Fear is a weight that no longer needs to be carried. Step away from fear and into the unknown, a life of Love & trust." Martin J Allsop 07/26/10

-"Respect yourself & others will respect you." Confucius 07/26/10

-"Don't try to change people - here's a better idea - choose people who are already the way u want them to be." The Secret 07/27/10

-"What you give out in one hand will return in the other, for love is eternal & comes back to the sender." Unknown author 07/27/10

-"Manifest the divinity within you & everything will be harmoniously arranged around it." Martin J Allsop 07/27/10

-"Lean on Love - so others can lean on you!" Unkown author 07/28/10

-"Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave." Indira Gandhi 07/28/10

-"No one else is the expert of You, and the moment you think someone is, you have given away your power." The Secret 07/28/10

-"You know someone Loves you when they support your Happines, Growth and Dreams and never try to keep you down." Unknown author 07/28/10

-"If you enjoy the process, it's your dream. If you are are enduring it, desperate for the result, it's somebody else's." Martin J. Allsop 07/29/10

-"I smile at the unknown!" Unknown author 07/29/10

-"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Gandhi” 07/29/10

-"Don't let the negativity given by the world disempower you. Instead give to yourself that which empowers you." Les Brown 07/29/10

-"Be grateful for whoever comes, because each guest has been sent as a guide from beyond." Rumi 07/29/10

-"The treasure inside does not need a map or ancient texts to find, all you need is to make friends with the soul inside." 07/29/10

-"Reminder: don't let people who are living their nightmare tell you that u can't live your dream! Unknown author 07/29/10

-"Let go! Don't try to struggle, don't make life a conflict. Enjoy it!" Osho 07/30/10

-"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." The Secret 07/30/10

-"Our minds can shape the way a thing will be, because we act according to our expectations." Federico Fellini 07/30/10

-"The impossible is often the untried." Jim Goodwin 07/30/10

-"The moment we are enlightened within, we go beyond the voidness of a world confronting us." Buddha 07/30/10

-"Live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and you connect with the field of infinite possibilities." Deepak Chopra 07/30/10

-"The real gift of a challenge is WHO you become by facing it." Unknown author 07/30/10

-"Start with the Heart and you'll find love in the End." Unknown author 07/30/10

-"From this day forward remove the word "impossible" from your vocabulary. Become an expert in possibilities!" Unknown author 07/30/10

-"If you want to attract anything into your life, you need to embody what you want. If you seek love you have to become love." Unknown author 07/30/10

-"When you want something the Universe conspires to help you." Paulo Coelho 07/31/10

-"Ever notice how people are most attracted to you when you're not sweating them? That's because they can feel your trust in Something Greater. Unknown author 07/31/10

-"Many failures are people who didn't realize how close they were to success when they gave up." Thomas Edison 07/31/10

-"The most successful people are those who are authentically themselves, who add value, who inspire & who take risks daily." Unknown author 07/31/10

-"Imagination is everything...it's a preview of life's coming attractions." The Secret 07/31/10

-"If others doubt you, use that doubt as fuel for your inner-journey towards self-resilience, towards self-mastery." Unknown author 07/31/10

-"The sweetest gift is Love reciprocated." Unknown author 07/31/10

-"Only Harmony can unlock for us all the precious gifts & blessings of Heaven." Unknown author 07/31/10

-"When you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness." Gawain 07/31/10

-"Bitterness solves nothing. Our message is one of peace & reconciliation, because the alternative is conflict." Mother Teresa 07/31/10

-"Love conquers only the wise, for the man who does not understand his heart, has not understood the first lesson in life." Unknown author 08/03/10

-"You must first have the knowledge of your power; second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do." Unknown author 08/03/10

-"God has placed the meaining of life in the understanding, respect & love for all living beings." Unknown author 08/03/10

-"Life is a series of delicious moments." Abraham Hicks 08/03/10

-"We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them." Kahlil Gibran 08/03/10

-"The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity." Ayn Rand 08/03/10

-"She who talks with the animals & walks with humanity, understands that life is a beautiful garden flowering in diversity." Unknown author 08/03/10

-"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." Confucious 08/03/10

-"Enthusiasm lasts for a day & a half, whereas inspiration endures forever." Peter Dunov 08/03/10

-“What you are expecting determines what you experience. So expect the best!” The Secret 08/03/10

-"Become the things you admire most about others." Unknown author 08/03/10

-"No one is peaceful & happy when they are angry. Anger is an enemy that brings negative results." Dalai Lama 08/03/10

-"When you let go of negative people and bad habits you will see your natural state is happiness & bliss." Unknown author 08/03/10

-"She who seeks the meaning of life will never find it, for the meaning is written on the trail of love she leaves behind her." Unknown author 08/03/10

-"Love conquers only the wise, for the man who does not understand his heart, has not understood the first lesson in life." Unknown author 08/03/10

-"Only love & right thinking will bring about true revolution, the revolution within ourselves." Jiddu Krishnamurti 08/04/10

-"Choice, not chance, determines your destiny." Aristotle 08/04/10

-"The mind can be a wilderness of thoughts, do not tame it, add to its beauty, by tending the growth of the most beautiful." Unknown author 08/04/10

-"We dance around the ring and suppose. The secret sits in the middle and knows." Robert Frost 08/04/10

-"The advantage of living is not measured by length, but by use; some men have lived long, and lived little." Unknown author 08/04/10

-"We grow up seeking love rather than sharing it. It is no wonder the world is short of love." Unknown author 08/04/10

-"A million people could be pushing against you & it wouldn't negatively affect you unless you push back." Esther Hicks 08/04/10

-"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true." Richard Bach 08/04/10

-"Success is 50% effort and 50% letting go. You gotta have a dream & goal, but you also gotta trust the Uni-verse." Unknown author 08/04/10

-"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic." Anon 08/04/10

-"To bring yourself love and happiness, do what you can to bring them to others." Deepak Chopra 08/04/10

-"Without sacrifice, you will never be able to give up what is unneeded, to gain the needs more suitable to your soul." Unknown author 08/04/10

-"It is not our abilities that show what we truly are…it is our choices." Albus Dumbledore 08/04/10

-"You must slay anger if you would live happily. You must slay anger, if you would weep no more." Buddha 08/05/10

-"The heart that moves in sincerity, will move within the hearts of all it touches." Unknown author 08/05/10

-"Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can." Richard Bach Unknown author 08/05/10

-"We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." Unknown author 08/05/10

-"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up; the most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." Thomas Edison 08/05/10

-"I'd rather be an optimist who is sometimes wrong than a pessimist who is always right." Thomas Edison 08/05/10

-"Pray for what you need, but always work for what you want." Unknown author 08/05/10

-"Great teachers can lead you to the doors of understanding, but it is up to you to enter" Lao Tzu 08/05/10

-"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings." Unknown author 08/05/10

-"The purpose of life is a life of purpose." Unknown author 08/05/10

-"Do not shy away from feeding your eyes for what the eyes see brings satisfaction to one’s soul." Unknown author 08/05/10

-"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose." Lyndon B Johnson 08/05/10

-"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them." Ralph Waldo 08/05/10

-"Hope is necessary in every condition." Unknown author 08/05/10

-"When the mind is cleaned with the jewel of spiritual wisdom, it does not become dirty again." Sri Granth Sahib 08/09/10

-"The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create." Leonard I. Sweet 08/09/10

-"Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution." Teilhard de Chardin 08/09/10

-"Love makes you empty, empty of jealousy, empty of power trips, empty of anger, empty of competitiveness." Osho 08/09/10

-"Unless you know the nature of the mind, you will not be able to solve any problems of your life." Osho 08/09/10

-"Problems come baring gifts. The bigger the problem, the bigger the gift. If you look, you'll see it." Unknown author 08/09/10

-"Rid yourself of all sickness, pain & failure. Wash your thoughts in the purity of self-love, & heal the hurt inside." Unknown author 08/09/10

-"Negativity wants your understanding, the more you ignore, the more sorrow will follow. Understand & positivity will grow." Unknown author 08/09/10

-"The more you can forgive, the more you free up energy to create the life you truly want." Unknown author 08/09/10

-"If you want more out of life you have to dramatically change your habits. New habits, new life." Unknown author 08/09/10

-Today tell yourself, "Everything is possible, no matter what." Deepak Chopra 08/09/10

-"Make the desire to make your dream come true stronger than your fear of failure. Then get out there & make it happen." Unknown author 08/09/10

-"When you feel stress or anxiety, don't run from it, breathe into and make it your friend & it will fade away."

-"You can't force yourself to think positively, but you can aknowledge your negativity." Paul Ferrini

-"The unknown is another name for field of infinite possibilites." Deepak Chopra 08/10/10

-"Do not look outside yourself for who or what you want. BE what you SEEK!" Unknown author 08/09/10

-"Be fearless! Step outside of your comfort zone. Everything you want is just on the otherside of it!" Unknown author 08/09/10

-"If you have lost your way, don't lose heart, for the way is written within. Look in your heart & all will become clear." Unknown author 08/09/10

-"You've only failed when you stop trying. Every new attempt brings you closer to success." Unknown author 08/09/10

-"Truths comes in all shapes & sizes, but it remains one simple truth." Paul Ferrini 08/09/10

-"Man is not imprisoned by outside forces. He is imprisoned by his unconscious, by his instincts, by his past." Osho 08/09/10

-"Just throw away all thoughts of imaginary things, & stand firm in that which you are." Kabir 08/09/10

-"A quick fix usually leads to a major breakdown. The patient path is the fastest way." Unknown author 08/09/10

-"Its clear - all dreams come to those who wake from fear!" Unknown author 08/09/10

-"Ignorance is always afraid of change." Jawaharlal Nehru 08/09/10

-"Not needing to defend your point of view results in lightness of being." Deepak Chopra 08/10/10

-"Defenseless and vulnerability are the secret of invincibility." Deepak Chopra 08/10/10

-"When you are utterly defenseless there is nothing to attack." Deepak Chopra 08/10/10

-"Embrace the ambition of your Heart & have no apologies toward it's pursuit." Deepak Chopra 08/10/10

-"There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others." Yogananda 08/10/10

-"The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as impartial as the law of gravity." The Secret 08/11/10

-"Healing can only happen when a balance is met. The law of equalibrium asks for you to outweigh pain with love." 08/11/10

-"Tear your weakness apart. Murder everything that is not you." 08/11/10

-"Love thinks no evil; imputes no motive. To Love is to share & serve." Swami Sivananda 08/11/10

-"We must have divine discontent in order to unleash our creative potential." Deepak Chopra 08/11/10

-"If you want to progress in your life and grow, act not to react." Yogi Bhajan 08/11/10

-"If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete." Jack Kornfield 08/11/10

-"Learn to let go. That is the key to happiness." Buddha 08/11/10

-"Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." St. Augustine 08/11/10

-"To be content with what one has is the greatest & truest of riches." Cicero 08/11/10

-"You can never hide from your truth. If you do, you will always be lost." Yogi Bhajan 08/11/10

-"The heart isn't just another word for emotions. It's a spiritual center that contains silence and wisdom. Where love and compassion arise." Unknown author 08/11/10

-"You have to move towards the light if you wish to grow!" Unknown author 08/11/10

-"When you are authentically you, some people will love you, some people will hate you & if you do it the right, everyone will watch you." Unknown author 08/12/10

-"When you let go you give the Uni-verse room to deliver an outcome that is BIGGER & BETTER than you could imagine!" Unknown author 08/12/10

-"Finding fault with others is the pastime of the ignorant. For the man of understanding looks to praise & uplift." Unknown author 08/12/10

-"Acceptance of what has happened, is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune." William James 08/12/10

-"Your level of belief in yourself will inevitably manifest itself in whatever you do." Les Brown 08/12/10

-"Our friends should be companions who inspire us, who help us rise to our best." Joseph Wirthlin 08/12/10

-"Help others achieve their dreams & you will achieve yours." Les Brown 08/12/10

-"Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such." Henry Miller 08/13/10

-"Think positively & masterfully, with confidence & faith, & life becomes more secure & richer." Swami Vivekananda 08/13/10

-"He who is true to himself, builds the bridge which unites him with his destiny." Unknown author 08/13/10

-"Forgiveness is not an occasional act: it is an attitude." Martin Luther King 08/13/10

-"If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself." Albert Einstien 08/13/10

-"Our intention creates our reality." Wayne Dyer 08/13/10

-"Get up & work towards what you love even when you don't want to. Push thru the resistance & walk on the road less traveled." Unknown author 08/13/10

-"Focus on doing what you love, let everything else go. Put ALL of you + some into your efforts!" Unknown author 08/13/10

-"Never build your emotional life on the weaknesses of others." George Santayana 08/13/10

-"The pain of going thru change is better than the pain of putting up with a negative situation and staying stuck." Unknown author 08/13/10

-"Spirit is spaceless, timeless, and dimensionless. This spirit is the essential me." Deepak Chopra 08/13/10

-"When you ask for what you want is all the challenges to getting it will show up. Don't let 'em stop you! Unknown author 08/13/10

-"Let your mind build the plan that your Heart whispers in your ear. May your mind never tell your Heart it's wrong." Unknown author 08/13/10

-"Instead of motivation, look for inspiration. Inspiration comes from the same word as spirit. When you are inspired, the spirit moves you." Deepak Chopra 08/13/10

-" Do value who you are. Enjoy your uniqueness. Don't compare yourself with others and put yourself down. Be true to yourself." Deepak Chopra 08/13/10

-"Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are." Chinese Proverb 08/13/10

-"We are free to give our own lives meaning & purpose, free to redeem our suffering by making something of it." Walter Kaufmann 08/13/10

-"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." Antoine De Saint-Exupery 08/13/10

-"The sensitive soul lives with needless worries. Instead, one should embrace sensitivity as a guide towards a better life." Unknown author 08/13/10

-"Worry not, the best things will stick. So let go a little and enjoy not knowing!" Unknown author 08/13/10

-"Do it with class or don't do it at all..." Unknown author 08/13/10

-"On a mountain high sits the eagle of foresight, all seeing, all knowing. Rise above all & see clearly your destination." Unknown author 08/13/10

-"You will always come back to the same problem, until you learn the lesson. Save yourself more heartache & vow to resolve." Unknown author 08/13/10

-"Look at what you have, be grateful and will you have more to be grateful for." Unknown author 08/13/10

-"Instead of looking with your eyes, feel with your heart. Instead of running away, take a stand!" Unknown author 08/13/10

-"True love begins when nothing is looked for in return." Antoine De Saint-Exupery 08/13/10

-"People must help one another; it is nature's law." Jean de La Fontaine 08/14/10

-"There are glimpses of heaven to us in every act, or thought, or word, that raises us above ourselves." Arthur Stanley 08/14/10

-"Love is born from acceptance, once you love yourself just as you are, you build the capacity to love all just as they are." Unknown author 08/14/10

-"Beliefs separate. Loving thoughts unite." Paul Ferrini 08/14/10

-"The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple." Oscar Wilde 08/14/10

-"You may lose many battles in the course of your life. Learn & become stronger, yet keep your child like heart of enthusiasm." Unknown author 08/14/10

-"Don't get stuck in the future or the past... Life is all about the journey." Unknown author 08/14/10

-"Open up & love again, the hurts of the past are simply lessons in how to make better choices now." Unknown author 08/14/10

-"The passage of time can heal many wounds, but the passage through to understanding heals all." Unknown author 08/14/10

-"To die in love, is to be reborn in truth & splendour." Unknown author 08/14/10

-"Love stillness and imagination are the soul of genius." Deepak Chopra 08/14/10

-"True humility enables us to dissolve our lower nature in order to identify with the Divinity." Omraam 08/14/10

-"Create the type of habits that LIFT you UP! Successful people have successful habits! Unknown author 08/14/10

-"Your treasure is resting in sacred ground, resting in the heart of humanity. In unity you will find the jewel of friendship." Unknown author 08/14/10

-"The patient path is the fastest way." Unknown author 08/14/10

-"Forgiveness starts with forgiving yourself... If you do that one thing you can start to create a whole new life." Unknown author 08/14/10

-"The faster you can forgive others, the faster you will be happy. Forgiveness liberates the forgiver!" Unknown author 08/14/10

-"Your story has just begun, live this moment & every moment like the start of a beautiful never ending story." Unknown author 08/14/10

-"Face your deficiencies, acknowledge them; don't let them master you. Let them teach you patience & insight." Helen Keller 08/14/10

-"The good life will pass you by until you realize the good life is a place to find within yourself." Unknown author 08/14/10

-"Always aim at purifying your thoughts & everything will be well." Mahatma Gandhi 08/14/10

-"As spiritual silence & joy deepen, you start feeling that there is no death for you." Osho 08/15/10

-"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, & join the dance." Alan Watts 08/15/10

-"Darkness separates, no one can see the other truly, only in the light of love can we see each other clearly." Unknown author 08/15/10

-"Pass through the season of contemplation, shedding leaves of unimportance, spring flowering is the result of true learning." Unknown author 08/15/10

-"Out of purity & silence come the words of power." Swami Chinmayananda 08/15/10

-"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." J.K. Rowling 08/15/10

-"It is only when we no longer compulsively need someone that we can have a real relationship with them." Anthony Storr 08/15/10

-"I love myself enough to let the right kind of love in." Unknown author 08/15/10

-"To let the self be awakened by all things is enlightenment." Dogen 08/15/10

-"Those who say are many, those who do are few. Which one are you?" Unknown author 08/15/10

-"Its important to think positive thoughts... But equally important to have impeccable style..." Unknown author 08/15/10

-"You will be served by the Uni-verse to the same degree you serve others." Unknown author 08/15/10

-"If you stand in my Light it'll cast a shadow. But, if you use your own Light - we can shine together!" Unknown author 08/15/10

-"The only person you have to convince of your worth is you. If people don't see it, it's their loss." Unknown author 08/15/10

-"Hatred confuses life, love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life, love illumines it." Martin Luther King 08/16/10

-"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." Goethe 08/16/10

-"Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket." Swami Chinmayananda 08/16/10

-"Withdraw into yourself & look. & if you do not find yourself beautiful yet, act as does the creator of a statue." Plotinus 08/16/10

-"The temple of forgiveness is within your heart, say a prayer for any wrongdoings, & release your attachment into the wind." Unknown author 08/16/10

-"We cannot love if we have one foot in the past, love lives in the present, in the heart of now!" Unknown author 08/16/10

-"It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter." Unknown author 08/16/10

-"Successful people are simply those with successful habits." Unknown author 08/16/10

-"We can live our lives either acting out of circumstances or acting out of vision" W. Erhard 08/16/10

-"To feel superior or inferior to any human being, you have not accepted the truth about your spiritual identity." Paul Ferrini 08/16/10

-"Instead of defending your need to be right, express your need to Love. Life will transform!" Unknown author 08/16/10

-"If you want to be wealthy - solve problems. If you want to be happy, be of service. If u want to find Love - be Love." Unknown author 08/16/10

-"It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to." W.C. Fields 08/16/10

-"The best way to say "I love you" isn't with words, it's with action." Unknown author 08/16/10

-"Everything you want also wants you!" Jack Canfield 08/16/10

-"Silently hear everyone. Accept what is good. Reject & forget what is not. This is intelligent living." Swami Chinmayananda 08/16/10

-"Love heals, love renews, love makes us safe,love inspires , love brings us closer to God." Deepak Chopra 08/16/10

-"No attachment hurts . Being love is all that's necessary." Deepak Chopra 08/16/10

-"Soul means your own spirit, your personal spark of creation. To me, the soul is my source for every thought, wish, desire, and dream." Deepak Chopra 08/16/10

-"When the time is ripe your needs will be met, take comfort in patience & know that all comes to he who waits." Unknown author 08/16/10

-"Arrogance is the outward sign of an impoverished heart, a heart bereft of the sweet touch of love. Be kind to such a soul." Unknown author 08/16/10

-"Sometimes you lose everything to see that you've finally found yourself, which is everything." Unknown author 08/16/10

-"Life is a mystery to be lived, not a riddle to be solved. The secret is open, only you are closed." Osho 08/16/10

-"Life gives you exactly what you tell it you're worth." Unknown author 08/16/10

-"Nothing can prevent your picture from coming into concrete form except the same power which gave it birth - yourself." The Secret 08/16/10

-"BELIEF - Be Everything Life Intended Expect Fulfillment." Unknown author 08/16/10

-"What we say about others is a perfect description of ourselves..." Unknown author 08/16/10

-"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in doing what you love!" Unknown author 08/16/10

-"The ego only sees difficulties, it does not see in simplicity. Let go of the internal fight, & embrace the hearts awareness." Unknown author 08/16/10

-"Faults become thick when love is thin." Swami Chinmayananda 08/16/10

-"When you feel love , act on it. Speak your heart. Be truthful. Remain open." Deepak Chopra 08/16/10

-"Live here now! Living in hope is living in the future, which is really postponing life. It is not a way of living." Osho 08/16/10

-"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him." Swami Chinmayananda 08/16/10

-"Act out of awareness & you will become aware of the beauty & the treasure & the glory & the eternity of your being." Osho 08/16/10

-"Love washes over us like raindrops from heaven bathing us in meaning, purpose & joy." Michael Teal 08/17/10

-"More than anything else, achievement depends on the chioces you make from moment 2 moment. Now is one of those moments." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"Love feels ashamed of itself when people seek love from one another." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"Life is too short to be boring. Embrace your crazy self!" Unknown author 08/17/10

-"Know that he who is at one with the beauty of nature is rich in spirit & embraces a higher vibration." Michael Teal 08/17/10

-"The love reflected from another person has its source in your own heart." Deepak Chopra 08/17/10

-"Ask, Believe, Act, Let Go, Receive." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another." Madonna 08/17/10

-"Don't let life slip through your hands. Don't just pray for happiness, go out & find it!" Unknown author 08/17/10

-"Give people the room to decide for themselves... THAT's Love!" Unknown author 08/17/10

-"LOVE = Let Obstacles Vanish Effortlessly." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"Timing is everything, knowing when to act and when to wait is an art cultivated by all the masters." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"To give love is true freedom; To demand love is pure slavery." Swami Chinmayananda 08/17/10

-"If you aren't ruffeling people's feathers on a regular basis chances are you aren't doing anything with much meaning." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"Love is the way messengers from the mystery tell us things." Rumi 08/17/10

-"Life is too short NOT to create something with every breath we draw." Maynard James Keenan 08/17/10

-"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin." Grace Hansen 08/17/10

-"If you are not aware of your faults, what makes you think you will be aware of your virtues. Be aware & understand self." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"She who makes time to listen to others, also makes a place in the heart of all she touches." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"You might pass them in the street, or miss them in a crowd, yet your soulmate is as close as your thoughts allow." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"All people are innocent in the light of love." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"I know that when I'm fully being myself I can't please everyone, and that's okay by me!" Unknown author 08/17/10

-"The man who holds no prejudices, holds the key to unifying this world." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"What you are aware of you are in control of; what you are not aware of is in control of you." Anthony De Mello 08/17/10

-"Forgiveness isn't complete until its expressed." Anthony De Mello 08/17/10

-"Suffering occurs when something is taken for what it's not , rather than for what it is." Suzanne Segal 08/17/10

-"Only by bringing awareness to the mind can you begin to transcend the mind & be free of its limitations." Ken Wilber 08/17/10

-"The love reflected from another person has its source in your own heart." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"The pain of yearning is a mask for the ecstasy of bliss." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"If you want it... ask for it... and then let it go." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"We should try to be the parents of our future rather than the offspring of our past." Miguel de Unamuno 08/17/10

-"Keep your goal in mind, work hard towards it every day and then surrender the outcome to the Uni-verse." Unknown author 08/17/10

-"There is no blissfulness more precious than freedom, than being a master of your own destiny." Osho 08/17/10

-"Rejoice in your awakening, the future is now & love is in every breath you take." Micheal Teal 08/17/10

-"Our smile affirms our awareness & determination to live in peace & joy." Thich Nhat Hanh 08/18/10

-"When you fall in love, you fall for a mirror of your own most present needs." Deepak Chopra 08/18/10

-"The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it." Sri Maharaj 08/18/10

-"If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher." Pema Chodron 08/18/10

-"Why do you not learn from what has hurt you in the past? You will attract similar again unless you stop walking in circles." Unknown author 08/18/10

-"I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars." Stephenie Meyer 08/18/10

-"Transform your thoughts & embrace love as a way of life." Michael Teal 08/18/10

-"Why live in contradiction, saying one thing & doing another! Let your thoughts, words & deeds express as one." Unknown author 08/18/10

-"Instead of playing the victim, try playing the Hero." Unknown author 08/18/10

-"Communicate! The drought of silence makes the well of Love run dry." Unknown author 08/18/10

-"Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself." Rumi 08/18/10

-"When you perceive yourself as spirit, you will not simply feel love--you will be love." Unknown author 08/18/10

-"We receive goodness in the measure to which we cultivate friendship with the universe." Sadhu Vaswani 08/18/10

-"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." Plato 08/18/20

-"We all draw upon the higher Self for identity, life, awareness, will, and love." Deepak Chopra 08/18/10

-"A bad day for your ego is a great day for your soul." Unknown author 08/18/10

-"Through an ever-increasing love in the heart you will grow wise." White Eagle 08/18/10

-"When you feel love, act on it. Speak your heart. Be truthful. Remain open." Deepak Chopra 08/18/10

-"Asking for love is one of the most difficult things for anyone to risk, by doing it in your heart first, you open a door that will not close." Deepak Chopra 08/18/10

-"Say NO to the demands of the world. Say YES to the longings of your own heart." Jonathan Huie 08/18/10

-"When you let go of what you care about most know that if it is in your best interest, it will stay." Unknown author 08/18/10

-"Do not chase after what you want - BECOME IT!" Unknown author 08/18/10

-"You cannot give more love than you have to give. The love reflected from another person has its source in your own heart." Unknown author 08/18/10

-"In your attempt to get ahead, make sure you don't get ahead of yourself!" Unknown author 08/18/10

-"Extraordinary benefits accrue to the tiny minority of people who are able to push just a tiny by longer than most. Seth Godin" Unknown author 08/18/10

-"Everyone has Ocean's to fly, if they have the Heart to do it. Is it reckless, maybe. But what do dreams know of boundaries?" Amelia Earhart 08/18/10

-"If one manifests their divine nature they can transform their inner world & cultivate a life of love." Michael Teal 08/18/10

-"When love and spirit are brought together, their power can accomplish anything. The love, power, and spirit are one." Deepak Chopra 08/18/10

-"If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author. Mark Houlahan 08/18/10

-"Beyond all illusion is the source of love, a field of pure potential. That potential is you!" Deepak Chopra 08/18/10

-"It takes no effort to love." Deepak Chopra 08/18/10

-"A happy life can be achieved if we transform limiting beliefs & listen to the voice of wisdom within our soul." Michael Teal 08/18/10

-"If you love someone, the best gift you can give them is your own happiness." Unknown author 08/18/10

-"There will be calmness & tranquility, when one is free from external objects & is not perturbed." Bruce Lee 08/19/10

-"Let us say what we feel, & feel what we say; let speech harmonize with life." Seneca 08/19/10

-"Faith gives limitation wings & empowers one to access higher levels of wisdom." Yaffa Leibowitz 08/19/10

-"Find your purpose, express your freedom, nourish yourself with love & you will make a profound difference." Michael Teal 08/19/10

-"What will really make you attractive is not working on your weak points but embracing them." Deepak Chopra 08/19/10

-"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain." Maya Angelou 08/19/10

-"A teacher is a person who never says anything once." Howard Nemercv 08/19/10

-"All wisdom can be stated in two lines: What is done for u - allow it to be done. What u must do yourself - make sure u do it." Khawwas 08/19/10

-"The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart...." Buddha 08/19/10

-"I give the love I wish to receive." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"Love has its own timing. Don't try to force it, instead let go & know whatever is in your best interest will stay." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"Give someone the opportunity to fall for you by being open and simply yourself. Walls keep the Love out." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"Wash yourself of all that was, take ownership of all that is. Live this life with the purpose of being you. Be born anew." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"Sometimes you have to go through a bunch of storm to find your rainbow. Life is fair! Smile and Move UP!" Unknown author 08/19/10

-"Bliss is not a feeling but a state of being. In the state of bliss, everything is loved." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"Our goal is not to have a problem-free life. But to conquer all the problems as they appear along our life-road." Sri Chinmoy 08/19/10

-"One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"No one on earth can hurt you, unless you accept the hurt in your own mind. The problem is your reaction." Vernon Howard 08/19/10

-"If u let things happen slowly, they will happen fast. If u push things to happen fast, they will happen slowly." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"A failure to plan on your behalf does not consitute and emergency on my behalf." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"People can only see you based on what they are capable of seeing, not on who you actually are." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"Part of taking things slowly means giving them some time to miss you." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"He who lacks compassion for others will pay dearly in the long run, for when he needs help, his call will fall on deaf ears." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"Spirit is with me. It wants to lift my pain by not abolishing painful memories but by putting me in the present where there is no past." Deepak Chopra 08/19/10

-"Don't rush into love because even in fairytales the happy ending takes place on the last page." Vea Mariz 08/19/10

-"If you've to think about whether you love someone or not then the answer is no. When you love someone you just know." Janice Markowitz 08/19/10

-"In love, it is better to know and be disappointed, than to not know and always wonder." Janice Markowitz 08/19/10

-"In the end, it doesn’t matter how many friends you had, all that really matters is how many stayed with you." Vea Mariz 08/19/10

-"Giving makes me feel greater than receiving. It doesn't make sense but it's just true." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"Greatest thing in life is finding someone who knows all your mistakes and weaknesses but still finds you completely amazing." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"We’re not afraid to take risks, we’re just afraid that they wouldn’t be worth it." Steve Harvey 08/19/10

-"Some people avoid problem, they want to enjoy their life. Some people seek problem, they want to grow." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"He who talks without listening, talks his way through people, in an endless cycle of self-obsession!" Unknown author 08/19/10

-"If you think you can't feel, uncover your heart. Let love rules!" Unknown author 08/19/10

-"You find your path not by thinking, feeling, or doing but by surrendering. This reveals the impulses of spirit beneath the mask of ego." Deepak Chopra 08/19/10

-"Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind." Buddha 08/19/10

-"Love is the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe and transcends all boundaries." Deepak Chopra 08/19/10

-"When things don't go the way you planned, assume the BEST!" Unknown author 08/19/10

-"Act as if the world is going to treat you well & it will." Kare Anderson 08/19/10

-"She who opens the book of love, finds the the imprint of inspiration on every page of her life." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"The man of abundance gives & gives & gives, for he knows he is making more beautiful the world he resides in." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"Become it... And you will be done with your search." Unknown author 08/19/10

-"Sometimes... U gotta shake it like a salt shaker!" Unknown author 08/19/10

-"A clear understanding of negative emotions dismisses them." Vernon Howard 08/19/10

-"Let the ego fall silent, then you come to experience the presence of wisdom & joy that you really are." Sogyal Rinpoche 08/20/10

-"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, & creates a vision for tomorrow." Melodie Beattie 08/20/10

-"Try to be the best you possible, and if you falter, try again until you succeed. Never lose hope and never give up!" Unknown author 08/20/10

-"Sometimes when you have a such a forgiving heart, you forget the bad someone has done to you. Live and Learn!" Unknown author 08/20/10

-"Trust is the best proof of love. No trust, no us!" Unknown author 08/20/10

-"Failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success." Denis Waitley 08/20/10

-"You mess up, you make up and then you move on.. that's relationship." Monica Geller 08/20/10

-"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." Mahatma Gandhi 08/20/10

-"When anger rises, think of the consequences." Confucius 08/20/10

-"The field of the soul must be watered by the rain with tears of love; otherwise it will become a desert." Sorin Cerin 08/20/10

-"In life, we need someone to teach us, love us, hurt us, protect us. In a way, to help us to be a better person." Unknown author 08/20/10

-"The world is a stage, and everyone has their part. Love yourself, fight for the best. Stay strong and go!" Unknown author 08/20/10

-"Never limit your view of life by any past experience." Ernest Holmes 08/20/10

-"The world is a stage, and everyone has their part. Love yourself, fight for the best. Stay strong and go!" Kim kardashian 08/20/10

-"Past is a good place to visit, but certainly not a good place to stay. Be wise! Set your goals and step forward!" Unknown author 08/20/10

-"Let us today embrace heavens glory & seek to touch every soul in a way that bathes them in holy light." Michael Teal 08/20/10

-"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal." - Henry Ford 08/20/10

-"YES! Because, wherever your heart is, that is where you'll find your treasure." Paulo Coelho 08/20/10

-"The master of love walks around the grave of hate, planting seeds of hope, so that one day understanding will grow instead." Unknown author 08/20/10

-"In reality you mature, in illusion your insecurities cloud your vision. Live clearly, within the maturity of the real you." Unknown author 08/20/10

-"It is our Humanity which makes us Spiritual & our Spirit which makes us Human." Micheal Teal 08/20/10

-Reality of Fear: "You are not afraid to try again. You are just afraid of getting hurt for the same reason." Unknown author 08/20/10

-"Ladies.. Be unique and original. Believe, that there will always be someone who loves you just the way you are." Unknown author 08/20/10

-"My intent: Somehow bring a smile on every face I encounter." Unknown author 08/20/10

-"Life's the best school. God's the best teacher. Problem's the best assignment. Failure's the best revision." Unknown author 08/20/10

-"Forget what you can, and forgive what you can't." Richard Klein 08/20/10

-"It's what you choose to believe that makes you the person you are." Karen Marie 08/20/10

-"You only have 1 life; don't spend it focusing on what others want to see, focus on what you want to be." Unknown author 08/20/10

-"Love is when you always believe in me, even when I don't believe in myself." Unknown author 08/20/10

-"Life is like sex: If you want a happy ending, don't rush!" Paulo Coelho 08/20/10

"When someone tells you its impossible, they are only admitting its impossible for them. Pay no attention & keep movin towards your dream!" Unknown author 08/21/10

-"Those that accept their difficulties & trials liberate the powers in their soul & spirit." Omraam 08/21/10

-"Better to join in with humanity than to set ourselves apart." Pema Chodron Omraam 08/21/10

-"No one can argue for long with someone who shows love & kindness. Don't retaliate with anger, show them your heart." Unknown author 08/21/10

-"90% of haters are begging for love. 10% just want a little attention." Paulo Coelho 08/21/10

-"When we do not create something out of total honesty, it cannot last long." Henry Chang 08/21/10

-"You are not here to fritter away your precious hours, when you have the ability to accomplish so much." Og Mandino 08/22/10

-"I love my critics, they are a sign of success!" Unknown author 08/22/10

-"It is up to each of us to make the best use of our time, to help create a happier world." Dalai Lama 08/22/10

-"I believe in second chances, I just don't think everyone deserves them." Jane Green 08/22/10

-"Life's too awesome to waste your time thinking about someone who doesn't treat you right." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"Be Realistic: Plan for a Miracle." Osho 08/22/10

-"Keep things straight up with people. Honesty makes for healty relationships and strong partnerships." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"Ask, does this path lead to love, does it allow me to be me? If the answer is yes, you have your direction to follow." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"If you are a gardener of love, you will plant a smile on the faces of all you meet, for bringing beauty is your duty." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"I believe in the impossible because no one else does, and that gives me an excellent chance at accomplishing it." Flo Jo 08/22/10

-"To create the best relationships: show up & let go. Love them & let them decide. Do not force anything, just be open." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"LOVE - You can't force it... It has to happen N A T U R A L L Y" Unknown author 08/22/10

-"You might not win any medals for helping others, but Heaven always remembers those that give without thought of honour." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"Have enough Love & Happiness within you so that anything you get from others is overflow." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"Do not seek to get, instead seek to give and what you give plus much more will be given to you." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"Gratitude is the open door to abundance." Yogi Bhajan 08/22/10

-"You cannot control everything that will happen today. Yet you can completely control the person you will be today." The Secret 08/22/10

-"A rainbow a cloud a dewdrop a dream a day a lifetime -all that arises subsides in eternal being." Buddha 08/22/10

-"You love in another what you accept in yourself. You dislike in another what you hate in yourself. Be kind judging yourself." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"She who looks into the mirror of Heaven, sees the beauty of this world reflecting through the love in her thoughts." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"Your ego self which is based on your personal history is comprised of memories of things that don't exist anymore." Deepak Chopra 08/22/10

-"Every setback, mishap, or shortcoming is an opportunity for a breakthrough. Stay strong!" Unknown author 08/22/10

-"Love is looking at someone, and not having to say a word, not having to hide, not being in control and not being afraid." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"Bundles of memory threads of desire recycle as persons." Deepak Chopra 08/22/10

-"Sometimes it takes something bad to realize the good." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"Trust can only be built and destroyed by time. No shortcut is available." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"Move On! Easy to say, hard to do. But not impossible to be realized. Have faith and pray!" Unknown author 08/22/10

-"'O' means Opportunity. That's why no 'O' in 'yesterday', one 'O' in 'today' and three 'O' in 'tomorrow'." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"I believe forgiveness is the key to your own happiness." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"If you cannot see a reflection of light in your heart, your plan will not serve your needs." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"EGO - Edging Greatness Out... Leggo your Ego!!!" Unknown author 08/22/10

-"You probably know many people who think: "I have problems, therefore I exist" Paulo Coelho 08/22/10

-"3 things are absolute & cannot be destroyed : Awareness,Being, Love." Deepak Chopra 08/22/10

-"Don't tell your dreams to the world---whisper them to love." Deepak Chopra 08/22/10

-"Love does'ent need a reason.It speaks from the irrational wisdom of the heart." Deepak Chopra 08/22/10

-"The humble soul does not need to prove anything, for she lives within her own love." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"If you are addicted to someone else, you are treating that person as an object." Deepak Chopra 08/22/10

-"To feel beauty is to know the truth.To know the truth is to be in love." Deepak Chopra 08/22/10

-"Your strength is how calmly, quietly & peacefully you face life." Yogi Bhajan Chopra 08/22/10

-"Know that everything happens in its perfect time. Let go & enjoy the process!" Unknown author 08/22/10

-"Enlightenment is a direct experience with reality." Pema Chodron 08/22/10

-"What will really make you attractive is not working on your weak points but embracing them." Unknown author 08/22/10

-"The truth you believe & cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new." Pema Chodron 08/23/10

-"Peace begins when expectations end." Sri Chinmoy 08/23/10

-"Fear of failure leads to failure." Unknown author 08/23/10

-"Imperfection is beauty. Madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe 08/23/10

-"Goodbye without reasons is the most painful one. Love without reasons is the most beautiful one." Unknown author 08/23/10

-"You want something but you don't want to try. It's like you want to swim without getting wet." Unknown author 08/23/10

-"Dreams will only stay as dreams if you don't have the guts to make it real. Be a courageous dreamer!" Unknown author 08/23/10

-"Gain strength from your pain, and let envy become your motivation. Among the negatives, always seek for the positives!" Unknown author 08/23/10

-"Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence?" Sai Baba 08/23/10

-"Fill your heart with the creative power to accept the past, decorate the present & transform the future." Osho 08/23/10

-"Be victorious! Walk away from things that make you feel like a victim. Don't allow it to have power over you!" Unknown author 08/23/10

-"Behind every successful person is a bunch of haters. Be wise, and never let them drag you down!" Unknown author 08/23/10

-"To understand yourself, is the key to wisdom." Confucius 08/23/10

-"Love yourself today!" The Secret 08/23/10

-"Be tolerant. Behold the unity of all faiths & religions. Respect the views, opinions & sentiments of all." Swami Sivananda 08/24/10

-"Never regret what you do. Treat every failure as a learning point and each success as a reward." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Best friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. False friends are like leaves, found everywhere." Henry Adams 08/24/10

-"Surround yourself with only the best..." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Speak of love with others. Remind each other of your spiritual purpose." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"The great Way is easy, yet people prefer side paths. Be aware when things are out of balance. Stay centred within." Lao Tzu 08/24/10

-"What you meet in another being is the projection of your own level of evolution." Ram Dass 08/24/10

-"Be kind to yourself and others. Come from love every moment you can and never give up hope. Know that you are loved." Deepak Chopra 08/24/10

-"Fix the things in yourself that you think should be fixed in others..." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Express yourself & how you feel, then let it go." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"When we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our karma is happiness and success." Deepak Chopra 08/24/10

-"3 types of people to stay away from: "The UNinspired, The UNexcited and The UNgrateful!" Be selective!" Rev. Run 08/24/10

-"I Love You: "It takes 3 seconds to say, 3 hours to explain but a lifetime to prove." Spread love!" Rev. Run 08/24/10

-"If you love the work that you are doing, if you love the way you are living, then you are meditative." Osho 08/24/10

-"As much as rejection hurts, regret for not taking a chance hurts even more." Adam Bautista 08/24/10

-"Be real, be confident, and be proud to be yourself. Remember: You weren't made to be someone you're not!" Devon Wordlaw 08/24/10

-"The way home is over the mountain of your emotions, past the river of frustration, which leads to the estuary of the soul." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"No matter how hard reality seems just hold on to your dreams. Keep your head to the sky!" Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Never giving up, I'm feeling like the little engine that could right now. I think I can I think I can I know I can!" Unknown author 08/24/10

-"I cant help another until I help myself. I put my needs to thrive first & share the excess with those who are in need." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"The answer is more love, not less." Peter Cajander 08/24/10

-"When u open up & express your authentic self, you will attract an authentic life & repel eyoverything else. Be open." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"You never know how much time you have, so today, express your love to those you love. Even if you've never told 'em before!" Unknown author 08/24/10

-"If you can stand the challenge of all your trials & remain calm, that is true happiness." Yogananda 08/24/10

-"Your strength is how calmly, quietly & peacefully you face life." Yogi Bhajan 08/24/10

-"When life gets hard, good friends are the ones who make it bearable. Tell them.... "Thanks!"" Unknown author 08/24/10

-"A river is flowing in & through you, carrying the message of joy. This divine joy is the sole purpose of life." Sri Chinmoy 08/24/10

-"Smile, it enhances your face value." Dolly Parton 08/24/10

-"If you have a dream, work hard at it and don't give up. Ignore the haters and stay focused. Reach for the stars!" Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Don't try to be good in everything. Be good in one thing. That's what makes you special." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"The biggest pain of love is when people still stay while they should let it go." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Sometimes, tears are a sign of unspoken happiness, and smile is a sign of silenced pain." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"All the elements for your happiness are already here. There is no need to run, strive or struggle. Just Be." Thich Nhat Hanh 08/24/10

-"You follow your heart's love. Your life's happiness will follow you." Sri Chinmoy 08/24/10

-"Learning to live is learning to let go." Sogyal Rinpoche 08/24/10

-"Best advice: Drop the EGO and just be willing..." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Make decisions from a place of your own authenticity not based on what you think other ppl will think or do..." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Let it happen... Why the rush? You can't rush a masterpiece!" Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Go where the love is, leave everything else behind." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Each thought, each action in the sunlight of awareness becomes sacred." Thich Nhat Hanh 08/24/10

-"Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone, we find it with another." Thomas Merton 08/24/10

-"Set your intention of becoming a lovable person and let the Uni-verse handle the details..." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"The things that drive you crazy are your greatest teachers... Find calmness within the storm. Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve" W. Clement Stone 08/24/10

-"When all hope is gone, pray some more, as sometimes victory lies waiting at the jaws of defeat." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Make your own happiness & success more important than being right. A bad day for the ego is great day for the heart!" Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Love like there's no tomorrow. Live happy. Dance like you haven't heard a music before. Spree yourself a little gift." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"When this world seems too much, return to your safe haven, in solitude one grows in magnitude, ready to face the world anew." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"She who has nothing to hide, will talk from the heart, for the heart always tells the truth." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Don't hold on to what is not yours... Let go & let all the good stuff that is meant for you find you!" Unknown author 08/24/10

-"In darkness you cannot see, you have to feel your way forwards, when all around is dark, rely on your senses to guide you." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Be open to all teachers & all teachings, & listen with your heart. Ram Dass 08/24/10

-"The Peaceful One, freed from rage, from sorrow, & from longing, he has passed beyond birth & decay." Buddha 08/24/10

-"If you are true to yourself, all your problems will resolve naturally, for nature always completes its cycles over time." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Shed a tear, shed a fear, for as we let go, we let love free to make all things clear." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Point the finger of blame & you lose a little of your internal flame. Hold your hand up in acceptance & you rise in stature." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Do not let your emotions cloud an intelligent choice." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"I'm sorry" and "I forgive you" both only work when you really mean them. Unknown author 08/24/10

-"When life gets hard, good friends are the ones who make it bearable." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Its funny how the only people who hurt you are the ones who promised they won't." Sheri Roushdy 08/24/10

-"We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets." Marilyn Monroe 08/24/10

-"There is NO competition! No matter what they do, no one else can do YOU like YOU!" Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Make no apologies for following your heart. A woman on a mission needs no permission." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Bad news: The past was in your hands. The good news: The future is also in your hands. Learn backward, Step forward!" Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Suffering becomes beautiful when anyone bears great calamities with cheerfulness." Aristotle 08/24/10

-It takes two people to make a lie work: "The person who tells it, and the one who believes it." Jodi Picoult 08/24/10

-"Know your worth & act accordingly..." Unknown author 08/24/10

-"Better than a meaningless story of a thousand words is a single word of deep meaning." Buddha 08/25/10

-"Enjoy life but be attentive. Don't think there are no beasts just because the forest is silent. Paulo Coelho 08/25/10

-"Taking responsibility for your beliefs & judgments gives you the power to change them." Byron Katie 08/25/10

-"We all have a divine mission on earth. Let that mission be to inspire love & embrace the light within." Michael Teal 08/25/10

-"Life will only give back what you put into it. Make this life a good one, by giving your all, in every circumstance." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad) that speeds the creation." The Secret 08/25/10

-"Saying goodbye always happens before you can say hello again." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"If you take responsibility for yourself, you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams." Les Brown 08/25/10

-Ladies.. love yourself, as much as you deserve to be loved. Remember: "Your real beauty is not fallacy!" Unknown author 08/25/10

-"There may be people that have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do." Derek Jeter 08/25/10

-"If you are afraid of failure you don’t deserve to be successful!" Charles Barkley 08/25/10

-"Don’t let what other people think decide who you are." Dennis Rodman 08/25/10

-"There's 2 ways to do things in life...you can do it right or you can do it over!" Kim Kardashian 08/25/10

-"Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less." C.S. Lewis 08/25/10

-"Gratitude is the attitude of success." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"Gratitude is the attitude of the blessed." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"If going into the past was as easy as taking a step backward, we would never move forward." Nicole Valenica 08/25/10

-"Don't speak about loving, if you don't know about forgiving." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer." Albert Camus 08/25/10

-"The key to letting love in is surrendering and not trying to control other people." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"When you extend your goodwill in every direction, regardless of circumstances, you begin to see that we are all one." Lao Tzu 08/25/10

-“I can only love myself as much as I believe I am lovable.” Unknown author 08/25/10

-"What makes spirit real is change. Spirit changes you, and when the change is very big, it is transforming." Deepak Chopra 08/25/10

-"QTIP - Quit Taking It Personally!" Unknown author 08/25/10

-"What you think of me is none of my business." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"They say an expectation is a premeditated resentment, so let go & love them w/ no expectation of return." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"Anyone who wants to be truly free must be willing to stand alone in the truth. Andrew Cohen 08/25/10

-"Love is the hardest habit to break, and the most difficult to satisfy." Drew Barrymore 08/25/10

-"Life is very interesting... in the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths." Drew Barrymore 08/25/10

-"People come in and out of your life. Don't try to stretch a season into a lifetime if it's not meant to be." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"Remembering is easy for those who have memory, forgetting is hard for those who have heart." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"You know you love someone when you miss them even before you're apart." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"When a girl replies with one word answers, you know you're in trouble." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"Be careful whom you give your trust. Because when it's broken, it hurts alot wishing you haven't given it away." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"My intent today: Observe my reaction before reacting." Deepak Chopra 08/25/10

-"Let go of what you fear and you will hold Love in the palm of your hand." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"Look carefully, there's so many happiness around you. All you have to do is clear the "fog" in your eyes." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new." Antoine de Saint-Exupery 08/25/10

-"When you make a choice, you change the future." Deepak Chopra 08/25/10

-"It's a good day to tell on yourself... Open your heart and express what it feels." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"Let go & trust what stays. If it goes it was never yours." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"The sound of silence is music to the ears, waves of clarity wash away confusion, undressing life to its naked beauty." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"When you blame someone else for something, you give up my power to them." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"One who loves without conditions places no limits on his freedom nor on anyone else’s." Paul Ferrini 08/25/10

-"The best way to prepare for togetherness is to learn to walk confidently thru your aloneness." Unknown author 08/25/10

-"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can't do." Walter Bagehot 08/25/10

-"See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do?" Buddha 08/25/10

-"The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart." Robert Ingersoll 08/25/10

-"Don't let anyone treat you as unimportant since you're YOUNG! Be an example in words, actions, love, faith and purity!" Rick Warren 08/25/10

-"You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back." Barbara De Angelis 08/26/10

-"If you let restlessness move you, you lose touch with who you are." Lao Tzu 08/26/10

-"The way to be happy is to make others so." Robert Ingersoll 08/26/10

-"Love is acceptance, acceptance is love." Unknown author 08/26/10

-"He who has courage & faith will never perish in misery." Anne Frank 08/26/10

-"Be the change that you wish to see in the world." Unknown author 08/26/10

-"When people underestimate you, don't be down! Stand up and make them know that they're wrong!" Unknown author 08/26/10

-"Kind of relationships that won't work? The ones that never appreciate each other for loving each other." Unknown author 08/26/10

-"The future is unknown, the past is soon forgotten and the present is one breath at a time." Unknown author 08/26/10

-"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it." W. M. Lewis 08/26/10

-"Life's a ticket to the greatest show on Earth." Martin H. Fischer 08/26/10

-"Listen without interrupting, promise without forgetting and share... without pretending!" Unknown author 08/26/10

-"You are the only one that creates your reality." The Secret 08/26/10

-"By living life in harmony & balance we awaken our inner universe & cultivate infinite love." Michael Teal 08/26/10

-"Every time you wish or want, you plant a seed.: Deepak Chopra 08/26/10

-"Go towards people who are open to giving and receiving love. Be lovable and choose lovable people." Unknown author 08/26/10

-"You don't really want things to go your way, you want them to go Love's way. Surrender to a larger life than you can imagine!" Unknown author 08/26/10

-"I am enough. Period." Unknown author 08/26/10

-"Most of what you fear does not even exist. Much of what you love is closer than you realize." Unknown author 08/26/10

-"Focus on doing what you love and you will attract more people, situations and things to love and who love you." Unknown author 08/26/10

-"Nothing's more painful than the staring eyes of people who you love, then find other people shadow reflected there." E. Wurtzel 08/26/10

-"Time passes. Memories fade. Feelings change. People leave. But hearts never forget." Cherlynn Shakespeare 08/26/10

-"Sometimes, what holds you together and what tears you apart are the same things." Cherlynn Shakespeare 08/26/10

-"When you love someone, you just do. There are no maybes, no buts, and no whys." Cherlynn Shakespeare 08/26/10

-"Love is funny. It comes so unexpected and surprise you, even when you were already looking for it all your life." Adam Bautista 08/26/10

-The ugly truth: "Anybody can get an I Love You.. but fewer gets back an I Love You Too." Unknown author 08/26/10

-"What is the soul? Consciousness. The more awareness, the deeper the soul, and when such essence overflows, you feel sacredness around." Rumi 08/26/10

-"You are what you do, and not what you think you should do." Paulo Coelho 08/26/10

-"Lust is when you love what you see. Love is when you lust for what’s inside." Renee Conkle 08/26/10

-"No matter how badly someone is hurting you, sometimes letting them go hurts even worse." Grey's Anatomy 08/26/10

-"If you can be happy when you are alone, you have learned the secret of being happy. Now you can be happy together." Osho 08/26/10

-"Every moment you have a choice.... Get bitter or get better." Unknown author 08/26/10

-"A rose cannot open her petals, in the shadow of another. If she could just grow internally, she would feel the radiant sun." Unknown author 08/26/10

-“When love and spirit are brought together, their power can accomplish anything. Then love, power, and spirit are one.” Deepak Chopra 08/26/10

-“If you free your mind of what was, maybe, just maybe, you can open your heart to what is here, in front of you now.” Unknown author 08/26/10

-“Remember: if you can cease all restless activity, your integral nature will appear.” Lao Tzu 08/26/10

-“Reserve judgment about whether a situation is good or bad, you don't know what the next moment will bring.” Unknown author 08/26/10

-“ When it comes to Love the Uni-verse usually sets it up so when you want nothing from them, you can have them.” Unknown author 08/26/10

-“ Full of love for all things in the world, practicing virtue, in order to benefit others, this man alone is happy.” Buddha 08/26/10

-“Real life has to be natural, not against nature, not hiding it, but discovering the innermost core of nature.” Osho 08/26/10

-“The man of love carries no burdens upon his shoulders, for his love carries away all troubles on the winds of time.” Unknown author 08/26/10

-“ I hate myself when I love something that I should hate. Happens very often.” Paulo Coelho 08/26/10

-“ Truth can come to you only when your mind & heart are simple, clear, & there is love in your heart.” Jiddu Krishnamurti 08/27/10

-“ If a man knows the harbor he seeks, any wind is the right wind.” Seneca 08/27/10

-“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.” Unknown author 08/27/10

-“ Fill your mind with so many thoughts of confidence that there's no room left for doubt.: The Secret 08/27/10

-“Come out of the circle of time into the circle of love.” Rumi 08/27/10

-“In our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative. Enjoy the journey.” Deepak Chopra 08/27/10

-“ The journey to personal freedom can only be achieved if you listen to the voice of your soul.” Micheal Teal 08/27/10

-“Don't seek to get, seek to give and more will be given to you to give away.” Deepak Chopra 08/27/10

-“ Home isn't always where you grew up. It's where you feel connected. Home can be inside of you.” Unknown author 08/27/10

-“ You are here for a reason. Ask yourself: How did I make a difference today? What talent did I uncover?” Deepak Chopra 08/27/10

-“ Show only love, be only love.” Deepak Chopra 08/27/10

-“ The harder it is for you to forgive someone, the bigger the reward will be for doing so. Forgive so YOU can be free! Unknown author 08/27/10

-“ You sign up for a lot of pain when you chase people who don't want to be caught. Just be you & love will find you.” Unknown author 08/27/10

-“ Life changes to the positive when you detach from needing to be right & simply choose kindness.” Unknown author 08/27/10

-“ Weekly reminder: What you put up with, you end up with!” Unknown artist 08/27/10
-“ Out of clutter, find Simplicity. From discord, find Harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies Opportunity.” Albert Einstein 08/27/10

-“You cannot grow spiritually until you have the courage to enter into meaningful & significant relationships.” Unknown author 08/27/10

-“ Don't blame 'em, train 'em!” Unknown author 08/27/10

-“ Next time you pray for something do it with the knowledge that the answers lie within.” Micheal Teal 08/27/10

-“Anger is not a friend of patience; it is not a friend of love, the more you think of it, anger is a friend of no one.” Unknown author 08/27/10

-“ When love and spirit are brought together, their power can accomplish anything. Deepak Chopra 08/27/10

-“ Because he is a living divinity, when he acts, the universe acts.” Lao Tzu 08/27/10

-“You deserve to be loved. We all do. Start by giving it freely, constantly and you will receive it in return.” Unknown author 08/27/10

-“ Instead of expecting the people you love to be perfect, accept that they are perfectly imperfect.” Unknown author 08/27/10

-“ The only thing u owe other people is YOUR happiness.” Unknown author 08/27/10

-“ There is no mystery to life, living simply clears the eyes of confusion, living with love clears the heart of disillusion.” Unknown author 08/27/10

-“ Nourish your Spirit with Stillness, your Heart with Unconditional Love & your Relationships with Thoughtfulness.” Tim Ong 08/27/10

-“We are love & love is the light within that guides our way.” Micheal Teal 08/27/10

-“Songs are a memory booster, for they hide lyrics and true memories.” F. Sanchez 08/27/10

-“Understand that anything that can be lost was never truly ours, anything that we cling to only imprisons us.” Jack Kornfield 08/28/10

-“If we identify with the soul we awaken the authentic self, inspire the spirit & fuel fire's of transformation.” Micheal Teal 08/28/10

-“Be a light unto yourself, by bringing light to your path, you shall also light the way for others around you.” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“ I believe in the power of love.” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“ We & the universe are a single process The subject-object split is artificial. Subject & object are one. There is only love.” Deepak Chopra 08/28/10

-“ Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“ Ego & Love cannot exist together. They are like light & darkness: when light comes, darkness disappears.” Osho 08/28/10

-“ A true friend never lies to make you happy. They always tell the truth, even if it hurts.” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“ It's hard to see a love go, but it's harder to never have the love you gave returned.” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“ Never ignore a person who loves and cares for you. One day you may realize you've lost the moon while counting the stars. -L.M. Alcott 08/28/10

-“It's only those closest to you, that are close enough to your heart to truly break it.” L.M. Alcott 08/28/10

-“ This world is full of fake. If you're not smart, you'll lose everything.” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“ When girls get jealous, it's normal. But, when boys get jealous, lucky the girl he loves.” Debbie Nicholson 08/28/10

-“ Letting go doesn't mean giving up, it means accepting that some things weren't meant to be.” Pamela Satran 08/28/10

-“Live. Love. Learn. Let go.” Oliver Granger 08/28/10

-“Love can take you many places, but hate can limit where you go. Inhale love, Exhale hate!” D. Smith 08/28/10

-“True love can be like salt and pepper, a little sprinkle goes a long way.” D. Smith 08/28/10

-“Lessons can be learn, but feelings can't be taught.” Emy Florentino 08/28/10

-To be happy, 2 things we must forget: "The good things we do to others and the bad things that others do to us." T. Carlyle 08/28/10

-When things are tough, remember: "Every flower that ever bloomed had to go through a whole lot of dirt to get there!" RM Rilke 08/28/10

-“The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.” Elisabeth Foley 08/28/10

-"Detach a little & see who they really are instead of who you fantasize them to be." Unknown author 08/28/10

-"Sometimes our fear gets in the way of really loving someone. Sometimes we close Love out by being afraid of its Light." Unknown author 08/28/10

-"SURROUND yourself with people who have your BEST INTEREST in mind. Life is too short to put up with fools." Unknown author 08/28/10

-“The good news is you need not wait a moment longer for anyone's permission but your own to be happy!” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“Time does not exist independently of conscious observers , nor does the universe. The only true knowing is love.” Deepak Chopra 08/28/10

-“The missing link in the chain of happiness is you. Connect with your own inner-beauty & the circle of happiness is complete.” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“ Time and the universe are born when the Absolute sacrifices itself to become the relative . The only true knowing is love.” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“ Evolution is the play of consciousness in time . Time is born when consciousness splits itself as subject –object.” Deepak Chopra 08/28/10

-“ The souls that love the most, fear the least, for they have walked through their fears to find eternal love.” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“ When knower knowing and known are one, the only knowing is love.” Deepak Chopra 08/28/10

-“ Whoever envies another confesses his superiority.” Samuel Johnson 08/28/10

-“I need to be patient enough to learn the art of patience.” Paulo Coelho 08/28/10

-“If your beliefs do not stand the test of living, they will become an hinderance, that keeps you dead to this life.” Unknown author 08/28/10
-“ If it is not simple to understand, it was not written in the book of eternal wisdom. Wisdom is the book of simple truths.” Unknown author 08/28/10

- Tough times come and go, always remember: "No storm last forever, and when it's gone there's beautiful weather!" -Yasin Sahi 08/28/10

-“ Never expect, never assume, never ask, and never demand. Just let it be. Because if it's meant to be, it will be.” B. MacDonald 08/28/10

-“True friends' smiles shine brighter than the sun. True friends' hugs work better than aspirins.” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“Good things happen only if you believe they will. Stay positive!” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“Ladies, never degrade another woman in order to upgrade yourselves. Hate depreciates YOUR value, not theirs.” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“ Love is a learned behavior, a person can't show what they haven't learned.” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“ You can't choose how will life be. But you can choose the way you see life. Whether to be thankful or not. Be wise!” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“A real man doesn't love a million girls. He loves one girl in a million ways.” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“ It's weird to think about how different your life would be if you never met the people who changed it.” Mason Cooley 08/28/10

-“Sometimes love is like a rose, you will fall in love with it's beauty, yet get hurt with it's thorns.” Davidshi 08/28/10

-“Friendship is like a book. It takes a few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.” Fr Charbel Habchi 08/28/10

-“The hardest ones to love are the ones that need it most.” Unknown author 08/28/10

-“Let us dedicate ourselves to the liberation of the human mind & spirit, beginning with our own. Maya Angelou 08/28/10

-“If you don't like the effects in your life, you have to change the nature of your thinking. Marianne Williamson 08/28/10

-“ Sincerity & truth are the basis of every virtue.” Confucius 08/29/10

- “Making 1000 friends in 1 year is not a miracle, keeping 1 friend for 1000 years is!” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Sometimes a smile is your best armour to fight the tears.” F. Sanchez 08/29/10

-“No matter how good or bad the thing you have now, it won't last forever.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“You don't need to manage your whole life. Just manage your daily life, everyday.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“ A total acceptance of yourself brings about a total transcendence of yourself.” Adyashanti 08/29/10

-“Don't build your hopes on dreams; you will eventually wake up to reality.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Only one who knows & accepts himself can find equality with another. Anyone else gives himself away.” Paul Ferrini 08/29/10

-“Just look at the lighter side of life & enjoy it to its fullest, & all fear will disappear.” Osho 08/29/10

- “If you're the competitive type like me, try being the 1st to forgive. The prize u get is your own freedom!” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“What you think is lacking on the outside is within you waiting to be found.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Love within you is a spring &, if you decide to stop it flowing, it is you who will be the first to dry up.” Omraam 08/29/10

-“The Universe Loves a good attitude. That alone makes the difference between success & failure.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“You truly love someone when they don't give you what you expected in return and yet you still care for them.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“If you only love someone when they give you what you want, you don't love them, you love getting what you want.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“The universe likes speed. Dont delay, dont 2nd guess, dont doubt. When the opportunitys there, act. Thats your job.” The Secret 08/29/10

-“You might be on the same page with someone, just make sure you're reading the same book!” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“In the now there is neither doing or thinking , there is only being.” Deepak Chopra 08/29/10

-“Being human is a verb, Human being is a noun. We are both.” Deepak Chopra 08/29/10

-“The hate you have for someone destroys you a hundred times more than you can hurt that person.” Swami Radhanath 08/29/10

-“Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Stop trying to engineer your life. Enjoy it! Destiny arrives when it's ready, not when it's wrangled.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“People listen to people they like. How do you get people to like you? LIKE THEM! Love always attracts.” Rick Warren 08/29/10

-“A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Being hurt honestly is better than being comforted by a lie. Reality may be pain, but lies kill you softly.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Bitterness is easy, hatred is easy. But forgiveness, that is a tough one.” Paul Johansson 08/29/10

-“Life has a habit of waking you up, take notice of your misfortune. It is teaching you to be more observant.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“The hand that guides you is the hand that made you. If you are lost, never be afraid to hold your hand up, to be guided.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Neither our body nor the universe are a structure . We and the universe are one process. Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Boys have 1001 ways to lie, but girls have 1002 ways to figured it out.” Board of Wisdom 08/29/10

-“You truly love someone when they don't give you what you expected in return and yet you still care for them.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Sometimes, people who looked strongest and always happy in fact is the one with the biggest problems.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“When you really love someone, their flaws and weaknesses mean nothing.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“ Sometimes in life you just have to wipe your tears, chin up, smile, get over it and walk away.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“The more loving you are the more attractive you are.” Rick Warren 08/29/10

-“Consider no one a stranger. Learn to feel that everybody is akin to you. Yogananda 08/29/10

-“Happiness or sorrow, whatever befalls you, walk on untouched, unattached.” Buddha 08/29/10

-“It’s only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.” Tyler Durden / Fight Club 08/29/10

-“Love is a constant companionship and support to let you grow and bring out the best of you.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Life is disappointing if you keep on thinking it is, but life is exciting when you always believe it is!” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Love is like the FLU, and that's a good thing! Because when you have it, you know it.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Keep living your life on your terms. Don't let other people's ideas of what u should do become stronger than your own.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Allow yourself to mess up, make mistakes & not be perfect... But whatever u do, just start doing it NOW!!” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“To get a different result you gotta change your habits. Change your habits & you can have it!” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“If we are open to unimaginable possibilities ours will be a path of truth, love & light.” Michael Teal 08/29/10

-“It’s hard to trust sometimes, but know that the patient path is the fastest way! Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Nothing’s forever. Forever’s a lie. All we have is what’s between hello and goodbye.” Marilyn Bergman 08/29/10

-“A heartbreak is a heartbreak, not a heart loss, you will be able to love again.” Unknown author 08/29/10

-“Si no logras convencer a una persona de lo malo que está haciendo, procura hacer entonces lo bueno. La gente cree sólo lo que ve.” Thoreau 09/03/10

-“Mientras el amor vive el odio observa.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“No matter how your life began, YOU have the power to choose how it will be from now on...” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“Within YOU is the way. Your HEART is the truth. It's your LIFE to choose. Find happiness on the selfapproved path.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“When you realize that you are already worthy you can stop chasing, start BEING and LET it find YOU in good time!” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ Misunderstandings come from poor communication. Do not be rash in making judgements, open a dialogue between heart's.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ La verdadera amistad es como la fosforescencia, resplandece mejor cuando todo se ha oscurecido.” Tagore 09/03/10

-“ La amistad no es de quien conozcas más tiempo. Se trata de quien vino y nunca se fue de tu lado.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ ¿Qué es la derrota? Nada más que educación; nada más que el primer paso para algo mejor.” Wendell Phillips 09/03/10

-“ Las personas más insoportables son los hombres que se creen geniales y las mujeres que se creen irresistibles.” Oscar Wilde 09/03/10

-“ After you have finished reading this, light a smile, brighten your heart & spread all that love across the world.” Unknown author 09/03/10

- "There's no Real Appreciate for a Good Person in the Presence until that Person is at a Distance." Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ We all want to believe in magic and we refuse to believe that there's a trick behind it.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ Crying doesn't indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive.” Jane Eyre 09/03/10

-“ Life is a circle. You smile, laugh, love, break down, cry, get hurt, let go, then smile again. Enjoy the ride!” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ What was, is not what is. What is, is not what will be. What will be is up to you.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.” Bob Marley 09/03/10

- "Don't lose hope. When the sun goes down, the stars come out." Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ Success is that old ABC: Ability, Breaks, Courage.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ If you wanna be happy, just think everything that make you feel happy and STAY POSITIVE.” Unknown author 09/03/10

- "Love is not a because, it's a no matter what." Jodi Picoult 09/03/10
-“ Friends are like bras; close to your heart & there for support.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving: "They make mistakes, but don't quit!" Conrad Hilton 09/03/10

- “Anyone can be pretty, can be smart, but not everyone has a big heart.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ In order for a relationship to function properly, you must learn to forgive and realize ppl will make mistakes.” Devon Wordlaw 09/03/10

- Be the best you can be for your family. Remember: "You can't make a home run if you don't watch home base!" Rev Run 09/03/10

-“ Life isn't just about you. No matter how good or bad you do, don't think like everyone is staring at you.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ Nobody gets what they thought they were going to get. Just work hard and be kind, and amazing things will happen.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ A true friend understands 2 things: Loyalty and Forgiveness. Without those 2 things, it's not true friendship.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ If my hands are fully occupied in holding on to something, I can neither give nor receive." Dorothee Solle 09/03/10

-“ Lo que no han visto tus ojos que no lo invente tu boca.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ The past has no place in the present unless you invite it in. Allow yourself to be brand new right now!” Unknown author 09/03/10

- "It is the size of your heart that makes you a beautiful person, not the size of your clothes!" Unknown author 09/03/10

-“Love yourself, trust your choices, & everything is possible.” Cherie Carter Scott 09/03/10

-“Yesterday was a good day, Today is a better day, and Tomorrow will be a best day.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ Today offer healing or nurturing words to someone who needs them.” Deepak Chopra 09/03/10

-“ A lie is a type of myth, yet a myth is a type of truth.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you definitely cant pick your friend's nose.” Chude Michael 09/03/10

-“ If u can’t change the past, change the present.” Unknown author 09/03/10

-“ El secreto de no hacerse fastidioso consiste en saber cuando detenerse.” Voltaire 09/03/10

-“ Never lose heart, for she who loses faith in herself meets only with despair. Hold tight & your heart shall repair.” Unknown author 09/03/10

- "The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination." The Secret 09/03/10

-“ El hombre nunca mira al cielo porque siempre lo tiene a la vista.” (Jean de Monet) -pensando en los mineros-. 09/03/10

-“ Love is a trap. When it appears, we see only its light, not its shadows.” Paulo Coelho 09/04/10

-“ Aprende a asumir riesgos. Si quieres algo que nunca has tenido antes, debes estar dispuesto a hacer algo que nunca has hecho antes.” Unknown author 09/04/10

-“ La felicidad es interior, no exterior; por lo tanto, no depende de lo que tenemos, sino de lo que somos.” Henry Van Dyke 09/04/10

-"The libertation of your soul, depends on you taking control of your life, so that your true nature can come to the fore." Unknown author 09/04/10

-"You don't need to be different, you just need to be yourself." Unknown author 09/04/10

-"Life and Death have determined appointments. Riches and honour depend upon Heaven." Old Chinese quote 09/04/10

-"The universe conforms to the nervous system that is being used to look at it. Reality is not fixed. It is infinitely flexible." Unknown author 09/04/10

-"Don't play your best but play to win!" Unknown author 09/04/10

-"Good advice: Let love in, and don't push intimacy away. Be fearless." Unknown author 09/04/10

-"Don't live your life to "prove" your worthiness to anyone. Instead act FROM the worthiness that is already yours." Unknown author 09/04/10

-"Since there is no such thing as a person(only the universal pretending to be a person) we should never take anything personally." Deepak Chopra 09/04/10

-"No puedo volver al ayer, porque ya soy una persona diferente." Lewis Carroll 09/04/10

-"La gente buena, si se piensa un poco en ello, ha sido siempre gente alegre." Ernest Hemingway 09/04/10

-"Every quality, taken to extremes, becomes a weakness." Paulo Coelho 09/04/10

-"Please don’t get obsessed with fear. Just jump out of it & take a move towards love." Osho 09/04/10

-"The best hope unmasks denial, inspires an end to empathy, faces up to conflict and brings and end to silent suffering." Deepak Chopra 09/04/10

-"If you are too scared to let go of what was, how will you ever have the courage to open your heart to your destiny." Unknown author 09/04/10

-"Procura que tus palabras sean dulces por si tienes que tragártelas." Unknown author 09/04/10

-"Only use your words to revel to others their gifts. Your word is your wand." Unknown author 09/04/10

-"Please know that any negative talk you speak about yourself is an illusion... See thru it to WHO YOU REALLY ARE!" Unknown author 09/04/10

-"REMINDER: The ONLY thing you owe other people is YOUR happiness." Unknown author 09/04/10

-"No juzgues el día por la cosecha que has recogido, sino por las semillas que has plantado." Robert Louis Stevenson 09/04/10

-"Right perspective is no perspective or all perspectives." Buddha 09/04/10

-"Amor no tiene nada que ver con lo que esperas conseguir, sólo con lo que esperas dar; es decir, todo." Katherine Hepburn 09/04/10

-“We always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is & the future less resolved than it will be.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“You have to be sad sometimes, because if you aren't you forget how wonderful it is to be happy.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Egoísta es el que se empeña en hablarte de sí mismo cuando tú te estás muriendo de ganas de hablarle de ti.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Dejamos de temer aquello que se ha entendido.” Marie Curie 09/08/10

-“When you are content to be simply yourself & don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you.”Lao Tzu 09/08/10

-“Meet & respond to this moment with the new you, don't react from the old you. Time to grow!” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ When you let go of everything that doesn’t serve your happiness u leave a great big opening for all the good stuff!” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Si no conviene, no lo hagas; si no es verdad, no lo digas.” Marco Aurelio 09/08/10

-“ To go beyond yourself, you must know yourself.” Sri Maharaj 09/08/10

-“ You know you've found someone special when they can lift your spirits simply with a smile.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ En el amor, la mujer nunca consigue lo que espera y el hombre nunca espera lo que consigue.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Laughter is a smile with the turned up volume.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Do what you love, surround yourself with people who know more than you, build a dream team, be humble & the world is yours!” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Happiness is not a Mood, it’s a Decision.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Before you focus on who, what, when & where... Focus on WHY!” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ You can tell how far along The Path you are by how calmly you navigate a crowded parking lot or heavy traffic.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Necesitamos paciencia para esperar por el momento adecuado y coraje para no decepcionarnos con lo que encontremos.” Paulo Coelho 09/08/10

-“ Love all men without distinction; Know that mankind is a single community.” Sai Baba 09/08/10

-“ Keep your power & focus within pointed towards love. If you do this, no one will have power over or under you.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ You are the architect of your own reality.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Oculta tu espada detrás de una hermosa sonrisa.” Paulo Coelho 09/08/10

-“ Si eres flexible, te mantendrás recto.” Lao Tse 09/08/10

-“ No podrás alcanzar tus sueños si no se conviertan en objetivos.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it.” Irving Berlin 09/08/10

-“ The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are, but how happy others can be because of you.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ The best feeling in the world is realizing that you're perfectly happy without the thing you thought you needed.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Happiness is nothing more than good health and a poor memory.” Albert Schweitzer 09/08/10

-“ The only thing standing between me and total happiness is reality." Brandon B. 09/08/10

-“ Hidden behind your greatest fear is your greatest potential waiting to unfold. Face your fears & set yourself free.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ No te acerques a una cabra desde el frente, a un caballo desde atrás, o a un idiota desde cualquier lado.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Tell yourself, Today if someone acts in a hurtful way to me or someone else, I will respond with a gesture of loving kindness.” Deepak Chopra 09/08/10

-“ Go to the truth beyond the mind. Love is the bridge.” Stephen Levine 09/08/10

-“ Stay a little bit longer than you normally would, push thru the "give up" point & a new world will be shown to you!” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Make everyday count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ The key to success is not through achievement, but through enthusiasm.” Malcolm Forbes 09/08/10

-“ Smart people know their strengths, but happy people are the ones who have accepted their flaws.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ It's amazing how one word from the right person can turn your whole day around and make you feel better in a second!” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ There is something makes you different with another, ATTITUDE.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Cuando la voluntad es grande, las dificultades no pueden ser grandes.” Machiavello 09/08/10

-“ Suele suceder que de los peores momentos que uno sufre sacamos las mejores lecciones.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Instead of playing the victim, play the hero. Remove the blame from others & take your life into your own hands.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ There's a special life waiting for you, out beyond the boundaries of your fear.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ Quien nunca ha cometido un error nunca ha intentado nada nuevo.” Albert Einstein 09/08/10

-“ Being open to love means seeing others for who they really are, rather than who you'd like them to be.” Rich Nicastro 09/08/10

-“ Unless you are capable of love you will be meaningless, & you will feel that you are existing without any meaning.” Osho 09/08/10

-“ Hugging is great for any occasion and shows that you care.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ You can't buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream. And that's kind of the same thing.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“ No dejes que este día termine sin haber crecido un poco.” Unknown author 09/08/10

-“Hay personas divertidas que no interesan y personas interesantes que no divierten.” Benjamin Disraeli 09/10/10

-“Desafía lo que existe, lo que todos creen, lo que la mayoría no quiere cambiar.” Paulo Coelho 09/10/10

-“If you love me, let me know. If not, please gently let me go.” Elvis Presley 09/10/10

-“Love your enemy. But don’t forget he is not your friend...” Paulo Coelho 09/10/10

-“ The stronger person chooses to be kind over being right.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ A silent hater is worse than an outright enemy.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ In the end, it's better to say too much than never to say what you need to say.” John Mayer 09/10/10

-“ Human love lives from moment to moment, whereas divine love has no beginning nor no end, it just engulfs the devotee.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ El corazón es disperso cuando está enamorado y es obsesivo cuando está lastimado.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ Quien produce con alegría y se alegra de lo producido es feliz.” Goethe 09/10/10

-“ Be bold about pursuing your dreams and courageous enough to let go of them at the same time.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ Una persona grande no es la que ocupa un gran espacio sino la que deja un gran vacìo cuando se va.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves & not to twist them to fit our image.” Thomas Merton 09/10/10

-“ La felicidad es la certeza de no sentirse perdido.” Jorge Bucay 09/10/10

-“ When you bond with others you allow the birthing of mutual trust. When you trust, there is no need for hidden hostility and suspicion.” Deepak Chopra 09/10/10

-“ La belleza que atrae rara vez coincide con la belleza que enamora.” Ortega y Gasset 09/10/10

-“ Until you make peace with who you are, you will never be content with what you have.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ El amor verdadero empieza cuando no se espera nada a cambio.” Saint Exupery 09/10/10

-“ You have to be sad to appreciate happiness.” Eileen Parra 09/10/10

-“ When you drop the ego, you drop a whole world that you have created around it. You are able to see things as they are. Osho 09/10/10

-“ Too many time we use our brain, instead use our hearts.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ Happiness isn't measured in time but in moments.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ Doing what you like is Freedom. Liking what you do is Happiness.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ Si tienes menos de lo que deseas, tienes más de lo que vales.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ Journey and you will find place. Stand and you will find courage. Love and you will find purpose.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ Respect and you will find peace. Learn and you will find hope.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ Question and you will find answers. Speak and you will find a voice.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ People take different roads seeking happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you." Deepak Chopra 09/10/10

-“ Some people make happiness for others by simply being themselves.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ When you can admire without desiring you will know true happiness.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ Los únicos interesados en cambiar el mundo son los pesimistas, porque los optimistas están encantados con lo que hay.” José Saramago 09/10/10

-“ Your words become empty if they are not filled with love before they are spoken aloud. Speak from the heart of heart's.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ Jealousy is when you being nervous about something that has never or probably won't belong to you. “ Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ Things turn out best for those that make the best of the way things turn out!” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ No matter how much it hurts and pain inside, work hard to make somebody happy everyday, even if it is yourself.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ Everyone deserves to laugh. Everyone deserves to be happy. Everyone deserves to be loved.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“ A bird cannot fly without wings, so how can you expect to rise above your troubles, without faith in yourself.” Unknown author 09/10/10

-“The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.” Rousseau 09/11/10

-“We cannot propose a universe outside of consciousness because we have no way of being outside of consciousness.” Deepak Chopra 09/11/10

-“Happiness is found on the familiar highways of life; contentment is a herb that grows very close to the earth.” Harcourt 09/11/10

-“A veces, no es lo que dices, sino quien lo escucha” Unknown author 09/11/10

-“When heart speaks to heart, it is love that is transmitted.” Sai Baba 09/11/10

-“Valora el presente. Aférrate a cada momento de tu vida y saboréalo.” Wayne Dyer 09/11/10

-“Being is the eternal possibility,the immeasurable potential of all that was is & will be. I am that.You are that” Deepak Chopra 09/11/10

-“ If you have many flowers within your being flowering, a million times more flowers will shower on you.” 09/11/10

-“ Instead of preaching the importance of happiness, be happy and people will follow your example.” Paulo Coelho 09/11/10

-“ Unhappy people hate to be reminded that happiness exists. Save your energies.” Paulo Coelho 09/11/10

-“ Friends, health and love. These things don’t come with price tags, but when we lose them, we realize the cost.” Unknown author 09/11/10

-“ A relationship is nothing if every feeling and contribution is only coming from one end. You can’t only take, you have to give.” Unknown author 09/11/10

-“ The greatest art is to sit, & wait, & let it come.” Yogi Bhajan 09/11/10

-“ Things may not have always been easy, but you made it this far. Push the limits and be brave! Warrior, not a worrier!” Unknown author 09/11/10

-“ Recipe for having great relationship = Find out the similarities + Respect the differences.” Unknown author 09/11/10

-“ Keep things straight up with people. Honesty makes for healthy relationships and strong partnerships.” Unknown author 09/11/10

-“ You can go your whole life collecting days, and none will outweigh the one you wish you had back.” Mitch Albom 09/11/10

-“ Love does not need a 100 words to express, just a loving heart and 3 words, "I love you." Raine 09/11/10

-“ Truth is, everybody is gonna hurt you. You just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.” Bob Marley 09/11/10

-“ The one who loves you, won't rush you. The one who loves you, doesn't mind waiting, earning your love.” Unknown author 09/11/10

-“ You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” Winston Churchill 09/11/10

-“ Los falsos amigos son como las sombras, siempre a tu lado en las horas brillantes y ninguno cerca en las horas oscuras.” Unknown author 09/11/10

-“ As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be, you can't see how it is.” Ram Dass 09/12/10

-“ La belleza no envejece para quienes conservan su amor.” Unknown author 09/12/10

-“ Always depend on the Divine wisdom within you, no matter how deluded the world may be.” Philip Arnold 09/12/10

-“ Our heart needs to believe, just as we need to breathe. Let that belief breathe in love & breathe out love for everyone.” Unknown author 09/12/10

-“ Tiraríamos muchas cosas, si no tuviéramos miedo de que otros las recogieran.” Oscar Wilde 09/12/10

-“ Ten en cuenta que el gran amor y los grandes logros requieren grandes riesgos.” Dalai Lama 09/12/10

-“ Your life will only transform for the better if you reform your thoughts. Create in your mind & reshape with your actions.” Unknown author 09/12/10

-“ Man is a clever animal who behaves like an imbecile.” Albert Schweitzer 09/12/10

-“ Let's trade in all our judging for appreciating. Let's lay down our righteousness & just be together.” Ram Dass 09/12/10

-“ La suerte es una flecha lanzada que hace blanco en quien menos lo espera.” Konrad Adenauer 09/12/10

-“ Hold on to your happiness, let go of everything else. Give your love away & you'll have more to give.” Unknown author 09/12/10

-“ Be happy with what you have in your arms, because one day you may be left holding emptiness.” Franz Kafka 09/12/10

-“ Where there is no love, put love & you will find love:.” St. John of the Cross 09/12/10

-“ With love & forgiveness in our hearts no violence can reach us.” Unknown author 09/12/10

-“ No creas mucho en los elogios, siempre hay algün interés Escondido.” Unknown author 09/12/10

-“ The hand cannot reach higher than does the heart.” Orison Swett Marden 09/12/10

-“ Cinco minutos bastan para soñar toda una vida, así de relativo es el tiempo.” Mario Benedetti 09/12/10

-“ Whatever you appreciate & give thanks for will increase in your life.” Sanaya Roman 09/12/10

-“ Ser natural es la más difícil de las poses.” Unknown author 09/12/10

-“ Una palabra amable abre una puerta de acero.” Unknown author 09/12/10

-"La energía y la persistencia conquistan todas las cosas." Benjamin Franklin 09/12/10

-"While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart." St. Francis of Assisi 09/12/10

-“Truth has no fear; Untruth shivers at every shadow.” Sai Baba 09/13/10

-“You do not need to pay attention to those voices within you that create pain, or make you feel less competent.” Sanaya Roman 09/13/10

-“Be grateful for harsh lessons, that in the end brought you the strength to transcend old habits.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“Sólo cerrando las puertas detrás de uno se abren ventanas hacia el porvenir.” Françoise Sagan 09/13/10

-“El pasado no puede ser cambiado; el futuro aún está en tu poder, aprovéchalo.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ La medida del amor es amar sin medida.” San Agustín 09/13/10

-“ The body and mind are a pattern of behavior of pure consciousness. We are pure consciousness, not an impermanent pattern.” Deepak Chopra 09/13/10

-“ En verdad no puedes crecer y desarrollarte si sabes las respuestas antes que las preguntas.” Wayne Dyer 09/13/10

-“ Society cares about the individual only in so far as he is profitable.” Simone de Beauvoir 09/13/10

-“ The events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you do with them is up to you.” Richard Bach 09/13/10

-“ Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King 09/13/10

-“ En lugar de ser una persona de éxito, busca ser una persona valiosa: lo demás llegará naturalmente.” Albert Einstein 09/13/10

- "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill 09/13/10

-“ We fear only what we haven't understood.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ Si sólo eres bueno contigo mismo, eres bueno para nada.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ Spiritual growth results from absorbing & digesting truth & putting it to practice in daily life.” White Eagle 09/13/10

-“ Fight for your dreams, and your dreams will fight for you.” Paulo Coelho 09/13/10

-“ Do not despair. Do not give up. Look for the sunlight through the clouds.” Gordon Hinckley 09/13/10

-“ Wasted time is not wasted if you learn from your mistakes & make a different choice today.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ Al probar la miel, no aspiró a ser abeja sino a hacer de su alma una flor.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ La responsabilidad es un logro no un regalo.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ When you complain you put a huge wall between the life you have & the life you wish you had. Gratitude breaks this wall down.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ Instead of trying to teach others how they "should" be, just be the example.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ In the innermost recess of your heart there is a reservoir of peace where you must take refuge.” Sai Baba 09/13/10

-“ El peor sonido: taladro de dentista; el peor olor: azufre; el peor sabor: cerilla y el peor dolor: abandono.”

-“ No eres realista si no crees en los milagros.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ A true friend is an honest friend. Only in the light of honesty will friendship bear fruit.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ No he fracasado. Sólo encontré 10.000 maneras que no funcionaron.” Thomas Edison 09/13/10

-“ Los años son demasiado cortos, los días son demasiado largos.” Joseph Heller 09/13/10

-“ When a man is tired of love, he is tired of life. The eternal spring only flows in those that embody love.” 09/13/10

-“ Vale más pan duro entre amigos que mucha carne entre enemigos.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ Quien mendiga amor es el más miserable de todos los mendigos.” Tagore 09/13/10

-“ The spiritual seeker walks a path invisible to mere humanity.” Philip Arnold 09/13/10

-“ The only thing of importance, when we depart, will be the traces of love we have left behind.” Albert Schweitzer 09/13/10

-“ Si quieres una rosa debes aceptar las espinas.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ Your fears & insecurities are only as real as you believe them to be. The Truth is that you're unlimited and free.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ The only true ending is the one that never begins.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ Friendship won't be destroyed by love, if trust and commitment are the anchors.” Unknown author 09/13/10

-“ Nothing's forever. Forever's a lie. All we have is what's between hello and goodbye.” Marilyn Bergman 09/13/10

-“ We have only one shot in this life, make the best of it.” Sanaya Roman 09/14/10

-“ Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.” Sophia Loren 09/14/10

-“ If everybody loves you, something is wrong. Find at least one enemy to keep you alert.” Paulo Coelho 09/14/10

- "Action speaks louder than words!" Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ Quien no puede soportar el mal, no vivirá para ver el bien.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ Having a broken heart is a good sign. It means you've tried for something.” Elizabeth Gilbert 09/14/10

-“You are the writer of your own story, other people help you to open the next page.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ What was given out with love, will always return, as love blesses the one who gives.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. For you can love many, but without trust you've nothing.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ Una de las peores formas de vivir tu vida es preocuparse por lo que otros pensarán de ti.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.” John Gardner 09/14/10

-“ The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” Isaac Asimov 09/14/10

-“ It doesn't matter who you're or where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you. Be confident with yourself!” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ Know thyself & all will be revealed.” Pamela Loertscher 09/14/10

-“ Si no quieres correr riesgos en la vida, ya has decidido que no deseas crecer.” Shirley Hufstedler 09/14/10

-“ It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness.” Confucius 09/14/10

-“ If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never be truly fulfilled.” Lao Tzu 09/14/10

-“ Por la puerta por donde entra la sospecha, sale la confianza.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ Lies are a web of entanglement you will find hard to get away from. Always think of the consequences. Always live in truth.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ Una persona furiosa próximamente será una persona arrepentida.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“Nada está perdido si se tiene el valor de proclamar que todo está perdido y hay que empezar de nuevo.” Julio Cortázar 09/14/10

-“You cannot live in torment, you must let go of your pain. Love cannot fill that open wound, unless you free your mind.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ Lo que guardas, se pudre. Lo que das, florece.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ Una derrota sólo será una bebida amarga si la tomamos.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ Blessed are they who follow the dictates of conscience.” Philip Arnold 09/14/10

-“ Grow up, become a more & more authentic individual. Love yourself & respect yourself the way existence has made you.” Osho 09/14/10

-“ Express yourself, be honest, don't be afraid of rejection - the perfect people will always stick.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ In times of stress - remember that you have everything you need, you are loved & there is a miracle waiting to be seen.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ You are closest to your Higher Power in times of crisis... See the gift of being uprooted. Rest in the moment & trust.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ You have to take chances in life to find true happiness.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ May the smile on your face come straight from your heart.” Unknown author 09/14/10

-“ Being happy is not always being perfect. “ Mr. Muscles 09/14/10

-“ Happiness can be found in your inner heart learning how to let it go that things aren't meant to be.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ Keep you heart free from hate, your mind from worry. - The way to happiness.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ Live simply, except little, give much.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ Be happy, be joyful, be celebrating, & then you will find some other soul celebrating. Osho 09/15/10

-“ Sometimes it’s what you don’t say that counts.” Paulo Coelho 09/15/10

-“ Nada grande se ha logrado sin entusiasmo.” R.W. Emerson 09/15/10

-“ To make changes, you don't have to be a leader, you don't have to be superior; all you need is a strong will.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ Sometimes silence is the most important thing we can hear.” Dr. David Boan 09/15/10

-“ Be proud of every scar on your heart, each one holds a lifetimes worth of lessons.” Wallace Stegner 09/15/10

-“ It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.”Andre Gide 09/15/10

-“ The greatest weapon against stress, is our ability to choose one thought over another.” William James 09/15/10

-“ No debemos permitir que alguien salga de nuestra presencia sin sentirse mejor y más feliz.” Madre Teresa de Calcuta 09/15/10

-“ Why not whip the teacher when the pupil misbehaves?” Diogenes of Sinope 09/15/10

-“ Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein 09/15/10

- "If you want to see the brave, look at those who can forgive". - Bhagavad Gita 09/15/10

-“ "The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness" - Esther Hicks 09/15/10

-“ The only questions that really matter are the ones you ask yourself.” Ursula K Le Guin 09/15/10

-“ Tu visión de la vida se aclarará cuando mires dentro de tu corazón.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ If you can be happy when you are alone, you have learned the secret of being happy.” Osho 09/15/10

-“ Let it go and it will come back to you multiplied.” Deepka Chopra 09/15/10

-“ Be who you are & say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss 09/15/10

-“ Cada circunstancia es un regalo y cada experiencia es un tesoro escondido.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ La verdad no mancha los labios de quien la dice, sino la conciencia de quien la oculta.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ One who is too insistent on his own views, finds few to agree with him.” Lao Tzu 09/15/10

-“ Growth is the willingness to let reality be new every moment.” Deepka Chopra 09/15/10

-“ No te rindas cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles, lucha duro. Recuerda: Siempre funciona en el momento oportuno.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ One step at a time, one act of love after another, & you will step ever closer to a new world bereft of pain.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ Es mejor saber y decepcionarse que no saber y siempre preguntarse.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ Make time for family, love, work & silence - everything else isn't worth your energy.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ Los sueños son las respuestas de hoy a las preguntas de mañana.” Edgar Cayce 09/15/10

-“ Weariness is not an excuse to quit. In fact, it is proof that you're making progress.” The Secret 09/15/10

-“ Lead by example, let your life blaze a path so radiant & beautiful, that anyone would find peace in observation.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ Al principio, los sueños parecen imposibles, luego improbables y eventualmente inevitables. Christopher Reeve 09/15/10

-“ Toda persona es culpable de todo lo bueno que no hizo.” Voltaire 09/15/10

-“ Don't spend your time chasing what isn't yours... Instead become the greatest version of yourself.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ The entire sum of existence is the magic of being needed by just one person.” Vi Putnam 09/15/10

-“ El antídoto para cincuenta enemigos es un amigo.” Aristóteles 09/15/10

- "You can only come to the morning through the shadows." J.R.R. Tolkien 09/15/10

-“ Puedes dar a algunas personas un ladrillo de oro macizo y todavía se quejarán de su peso.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ Always look at life with new eyes. Look at people with new eyes. Look at things with new eyes. Never bring in the old.” Osho 09/15/10

-“ El único que no se equivoca es el que nunca hace nada.” Goethe 09/15/10

-“ Si nunca afrontas la pena del partir, nunca conocerás la alegría del regreso.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ No sabemos lo que somos hasta que vemos lo que podemos hacer.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ Amar no es solamente querer, es sobre todo comprender.” Françoise Sagan 09/15/10

-“ The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world & the world at large.” Confucius 09/15/10

-“ Keep your heart free from hate and keep your mind from worry.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ The ONLY person who can EVER stand in the way of your happiness is YOU!” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ I'd rather do nothing and be happy than do something I don’t love.” Cameron Diaz 09/15/10

-“ Search within your soul and you will find the strength to be strong and move on.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ Sometimes life and situation can't compromise. You must go left when you should go right.” Unknown author 09/15/10

-“ Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still.” Lou Erickson 09/15/10

-“ No matter how difficult life gets, you have to live it with hope.” Boy Meets World 09/15/10

-“ Sometimes it's a little thing someone does, that can be the biggest thing to you.” Board of Wisdom 09/15/10

-“ Expectation is the root of all heartache.” William Shakespeare 09/15/10

-“ My plan is to forgive and forget. Forgive myself for being so stupid, and forget you ever existed.” Bonnie L. Mohr 09/15/10

-“Love is giving away. Love is charity itself. Love means sharing with all.” Osho 09/15/10

-“ Silence is a true friend who never betrays.” Confucius 09/16/10

-“ On your journey to your dream, be ready to face oasis and deserts. In both cases, don't stop.” Paulo Coelho 09/16/10

-“ Say NO to ill treatment, say NO to people who think nothing but themselves. Say NO & take ownership of your life back.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ We go where our vision is.” Joseph Murphy 09/16/10

-“ Nothing is limited - not resources or anything else. It is only limited in the human mind.” The Secret 09/16/10

-“ La imperfección es belleza, la locura es genial y es mejor ser absolutamente ridículo que absolutamente aburrido.” Marylin Monroe 09/16/10

-“ Whatever is produced in haste goes hastily to waste.” Saadi 09/16/10

-“ Every reaction has a counter-reaction, every action has a consequence. Ask yourself what would a person of love do next.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ All human problems arise from the lie that man is not a spiritual being.” Philip Arnold 09/16/10

-“ El amor encontrará un camino. La indiferencia encontrará una excusa.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ True fearlessness is the willingness to Love someone with no expectation of return. It’s icing on the cake if they do to.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ Demuestra tu cariño a tus enemigos. No podrán defenderse.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ Real change is accompanied by a new insight. Insight is an impulse of love dissolving some old imprint.” Deepak Chopra 09/16/10

-“ Purity, patience, & perseverance are the three essentials to success, & above all, love.” Swami Vivekananda 09/16/10

-“ El éxito siempre ocurre en privado y el fracaso es conocido por todos.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“Para alcanzar la grandeza, empieza donde estás, utiliza lo que tienes, haz lo que puedas.” Arthur Ashe 09/16/10

-“He encontrado la felicidad... se escondía detrás de mis cicatrices.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“You get all the love you need when you give yours away.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“Debes hacer las cosas que piensas que no puedes hacer.” Eleanor Roosevelt 09/16/10

-“Love is selflessness. Selfishness is Lovelessness. Love gives & forgives. Selfishness gets & forgets.” Sai Baba 09/17/10

-“Si ganas no digas nada; si pierdes, menos aún.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ Tratar de olvidar a alguien que amas es como tratar de recordar a alguien que nunca conociste.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ Until a person has brought mind, heart & will into balance & in accordance with truth, he cannot be free.” Peter Dunov 09/16/10

-“What is now proved was once imagined.” William Blake 09/16/10

-“Gifts are waiting to be given to those who let go of the chains of their thinking & step into the loving present moment unburdended.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ Give of your true talents with no doubt that they are unique & the Uni-verse will reward you with an abundant life.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ Si no eres tu, ¿entonces quién? Si no es ahora, ¿entonces cuándo?” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ Hasta que encuentres la paz con quien eres, nunca estarás contento con lo que tienes.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ It won't happen in your time, but it will happen in the PERFEC TIME.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ Siempre vas a ganar por no decir cosas que realmente no necesitas decir.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ It serves you no good to hold onto the pain of the past. What do you hope to achieve? Let it go & be free to love again.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ El amor sin admiración solo es amistad.” George Sand 09/16/10

-“ You will rise once again from the ashes of defeat, stronger in experience, wiser in knowledge of your divine purpose.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ Lo que puedas dar importa más que lo que puedas hablar.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ Es casi imposible que alguien sea cruel con los animales y amable con los humanos.” Fred A. McGrand 09/17/10

-“ All disagreements are results of misunderstanding someone else's level of consciousness.” Deepak Chopra 09/16/10

-“ Once the lesson is learned move on, you gain nothing in going over old ground. Walk forwards into the light of a new day.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ Amar es encontrar en la felicidad de otro tu propia felicidad.” Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 09/16/10

-“ A peaceful heart is at ease in every circumstance.” Philip Arnold 09/16/10

-“ Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul.” Marcus Aurelius 09/16/10

-“ Nothing was ever accomplished with tears.” Alice in Wonderland 09/16/10

-“ Never fight for someone who would rather fight you, than fight beside you.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ When you shut people out of your life, they will eventually quit trying to be a part of it.” Aaron Marshall 09/16/10

-“ La esencia de la felicidad consiste en que aceptes ser el que eres.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ If you pay attention to the darkness, you'll never find the light.” Thomas A. Richards 09/16/10

-“ We aren't responsible for what people think about us, but we're responsible for what we give them to think about us.” H.B. Eyring 09/16/10

- "Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future!" Oscar Wilde 09/17/10

-“ The saddest people are those who have everything but can’t share it with anyone.” Unknown author 09/16/10

-“ A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left.” Marilyn Monroe 09/16/10

-“ The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now.” Rick Warren 09/17/10

-“ Don’t allow fear to overpower you, allow love to overpower you.” Osho 09/17/10

-“ Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, by this meeting a new world is born.” Anais Nin 09/17/10

-“ Fall in love. Love is the only redeeming force. Love is the savior.” Osho 09/17/10

-“ Ama a todos, confía en unos pocos, no hagas daño a nadie.” Shakespeare 09/17/10

-“ If you accept love as a way of life you will cultivate joy & create a nurturing environment of happiness.” Micheal Teal 09/17/10

-“ Never explain yourself. Your friends don’t need it and your enemies won’t believe it.” Belgicia Howell 09/17/10

-“ Cualquiera que despierto se comportase como lo hiciera en sueños sería tomado por loco.” Sigmund Freud 09/17/10

-“ Doubt is not the opposite of faith; it is one element of faith.” Paul Tillich 09/17/10

-“ The world keeps spinning around just like your thoughts, focus on what brings peace of mind & your world & mind will slow.” Unknown author 09/17/10

-“ ¿Estas esperando por el éxito o vas a salir a encontrarlo donde está escondido?” Napoleon Hill 09/17/10

-“ That love is all there is, Is all we know of love.” Emily Dickinson 09/17/10

-“ Loneliness is not cured by human company. Loneliness is cured by contact with reality.” Anthony De Mello 09/17/10

-“ Hay dos cosas por las cuales no debes enojarte: lo que puedes remediar y lo que no puedes remediar.” Unknown author 09/17/10

-“ Con una sonrisa falsa no tendrás que explicar por qué no estás feliz.” author 09/17/10

-“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer 09/21/10

-“Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their strengths.” Lois Wyse 09/21/10

-“A woman should know how to look like a girl, how to act like a lady, how to think like a man.” Zadie Smith 09/21/10

-“Mistakes are painful, but as time goes by it becomes a collection of experiences called lessons.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“Ladies.. Don't let a man define who you are or how you feel about yourself. Be the real author of your own life!” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ When deeds & words are in accord, the whole world is transformed.” Chuang Tzu 09/21/10

-“ You may try, but you can’t build a wall between yourself and your dream.” Paulo Coelho 09/21/10

-“ Una persona no está donde vive, sino donde ama.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ Success is abstract. Means that everyone has a different value & point of view about it.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ In life we forget the things we should remember and remember the things we should forget.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ Two hardest things in life: "Hello for the first time" & "Good bye for the last time." A.C.E 09/21/10

-“ I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it.” Edith Sitwell 09/21/10

-“ We should act wise & nice without any reason. Even if heaven & hell never existed.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ There's no abiding success without commitment.” Tony Robbins 09/21/10

-“ They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.” Confucius 09/21/10

-“ It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.” Mother Teresa 09/21/10

-“ No es lo que te sucedió, sino cómo reaccionas lo que importa.” Epícteto 09/21/10

-“ We must explore our past before we can progress in our future.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease, and lightness.” Eckhart Tolle 09/21/10

-“ Hope for the best and always be prepaid for the worst.” Pamela Daranjo 09/21/10

-“ He who blames others for his problems, will always find problems, for he will never find the root of his own misery.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ El que menos sabe suele ser el que más presume.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ Each moment comes baring a gift, when you don't get what you want take a step back & see yourself as being protected.” Unknown author 09/21/10

- "When you are willing and eager, the gods join in." Aeschylus 09/21/10

-“ The person who follows the path of awareness finds love as a consequence of his awareness, as a by-product.” Osho 09/21/10

-“ Siempre habrá gente que dudará lo que dices pero creerá lo que hagas.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ La verdad, si duele, es una sola vez. Las mentiras duelen toda la vida.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ Quienes gritan no exactamente demuestran que tienen razon sino pulmones.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ El mejor legado de un padre a sus hijos es un poco de su tiempo cada día.” Battista 09/21/10

-“ If you thlnk you are smart, tell exactly how many thing you don't know.” Unknown author 09/21/10

- "There is no great genius without some touch of madness." Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." – The Secret 09/21/10

-“ Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." William Shakespeare 09/21/10

-“ When you know & respect your Inner Nature, you know where you belong.” Benjamin Hoff 09/21/10

-“ Odiar es odiarnos a nosotros mismos; amar es amarnos a nosotros mismos.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ Olvidar no se puede. Perdonar es recordar sin dolor.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ The investments we make in ourselves, will always deliver the most profitable returns.” Sumner Davenport 09/21/10

-“ Puedes descubrir lo que más teme tu enemigo mediante la observación de los maneras que utiliza para asustarte.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ The optimist sees the rose & not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious of the rose.” Khalil Gibran 09/21/10

-“ El silencio es casi siempre una opinión.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ No vale la pena perder todo el día suspirando por lo que no tienes. Levántate y procura conseguirlo.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ Una sonrisa le da felicidad al corazón, enriquece a quien la recibe, sin empobrecer a quien la ofrece.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ The consequence of intelligence is valued by a few, while ignorance is accepted by many.” Ramy Katarya 09/21/10

-“ Cuando el poder del amor sea más grande que el amor al poder, el mundo conocerá la paz.”Jimi Hendrix 09/21/10

-“ Cultivate self-awareness, for only the self-aware truly learn from experience.” Philip Arnold 09/21/10

-“ Don't let the negativity given to you by the world disempower you. Give to yourself that which empowers you.” Les Brown 09/21/10

-“ La mayoría de las veces, nada es lo que aparenta ser.” Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting. “ Princess Elizabeth 09/21/10

-“ We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill 09/21/10

-“ It takes a minute to like someone, and hour to love someone, but to forget someone takes a life time! Unknown author 09/21/10

-“ Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it.” Harry Fosdick 09/21/10

-“ Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need." Kahlil Gibran 09/22/10

-“ Never get tired of doing little things for others, sometimes those little things occupy the biggest parts of their hearts.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ The greatest gift you can give to someone is to give your time.” Prasant Mishra 09/22/10

-“ The things that you do for yourself, die with you. The things that you do for others, mark your place in the world.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.” Moshe Dayan 09/22/10

-“ Spirituality is not an attitude, it's not a discipline. It's an outcome of life lived totally, joyfully, delightfully.” Osho 09/22/10

-“ A good exercise for the heart is to bend down and help another up.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ No person was ever honored for what he received. He was honored for what he gave.” Calvin Coolidge 09/22/10

-“ The true measure of a man is not what he does for himself but what he does for someone else.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ Si caes siete veces, levántate ocho.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ Happiness isn’t about getting what you want all the time, it’s about loving what you have.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” John Wooden 09/22/10

-“Puedes fácilmente juzgar a una persona por la forma en que trata a los que no pueden hacer nada por élla.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.” Kahlil Gibran 09/22/10

-“ Always recognize that human individuals are ends, and do not use them as means to your end.” Immanuel Kant 09/22/10

-“ Lord, grant that I might not so much seek to be loved as to love.” Francis of Assisi 09/22/10

-“ Cree en ti mismo, si no, entonces nadie tendrá una razón para hacerlo.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life.” Michael Jackson 09/22/10

-“ Si sonríes cuando no hay nadie más alrededor, es de verdad.” Andy Rooney 09/22/10

-"All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea.” The Secret 09/22/10

-“ El hombre es mortal por sus temores e inmortal por sus deseos.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ How can you expect to find love, if you give up on love. Love is innocent beauty. Give up your bitterness & become innocent.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“Es preferible perder el orgullo con la persona que te ama, que perder a esa persona por orgullo.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“Servir a lo otros es la renta que debes pagar por tu cuarto aquí en la tierra.” Muhammad Ali 09/22/10

-“Lo bueno del amor es que no hacen falta las palabras para demostrarlo.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ Truth, gently spoken, touches every heart.” Philip Arnold 09/22/10

-“ Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our life & to share with people the same happiness.” Kahlil Gibran 09/22/10

-“ Las cosas son bellas si tu las amas.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ I dont need to be wanted, i want to be needed or smile and have it returned.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ When life brings you bad news, read it like a map and find your way out.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ I love to dance and be cheered, i love to be appriciated and give back some of that which i am constantly given.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ Giving offers so much more than you can ever attain in a lifetime of receiving.” Kyle Lebeau 09/22/10

-“ There are more reasons for giving, than to be thanked." The Well of Sacrifice 09/22/10

-“ Giving is the spark of humanity. To give means to be unselfish, caring and beautiful.” Gregory James Upson 09/22/10

-“ If we would all give more than take or expect, the world would move ever so smoothly.” Gregory James Upson 09/22/10

-“ Letting go doesn't mean giving up it means accepting that some things weren't meant to be.” Unknown author 09/22/10

-“ All the pain will be worth it in the end... I promise. Never give up hope.” Diana German 09/22/10

-“ The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride and nothing is guaranteed.” Eminem 09/22/10

-“ If something's bound to happen, it will happen.. Right time, right person, and for the best reason.” Aristotle 09/22/10

-“ Hope is wishing something will happen, while faith, is believing it will happen.” Rick Warren 09/22/10

-“ Loneliness is a human condition. The best you can do is know yourself and know what you want.” Janet Fitch 09/22/10

-“True friendship isn't about being there when it's convenient; it's about being there when it's not.” Gloria Naylor 09/22/10

-“ A true friend is someone who thinks that you're a good egg even though he knows that you're slightly cracked.” Bernard Meltzer 09/22/10

-“ Do what you love, love what you do, and deliver more than you promise.” Harvey Mackay 09/22/10

-“ When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.” Mary Engelgreit 09/22/10

-“ The key to life is to have a bigger ear (listener) rather than a bigger mouth (talker).” Unknown author 09/22/10

- "If you focus to much on the past, it will impact on your future!" Lone Yachtsma 09/23/10

-“ Complaining is nothing, fame is nothing. Openness, patience, receptivity, solitude is everything.” R.M. Rilke 09/22/10

-“ Perfect love is the most beautiful of all frustrations because it is more than one can express.” Charlie Chaplin 09/22/10

-“ Understanding changes what others may perceive as negative into something positive.” Benjamin Hoff 09/23/10

-“ Love exists for every heart, like the Sun shines for everyone.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ Be nice to everyone. Be friends with a few. Trust one person: yourself.” Vera Nazarian 09/23/10

-“ The greatest work that kindness does to others, is that it makes them kind themselves.” Amelia Earhart 09/23/10

-“ Never let others see you sweat. Be like a duck: calm on top, but paddling like hell underneath!” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” Mahatma Gandhi 09/23/10

-“ The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi 09/23/10

-“ A smile doesn't mean you are always happy. It can also mean you're very strong.” F. Sanchez 09/23/10

-“ Actúa de la manera que te gustaría ser y pronto será tu modo de actuar.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ You never really know what you are capable of, until you go out and try.” Sarah Michelle Gellar 09/23/10

-“ Believe in yourself, you can do great things. Don't worry about what other people think, do what makes you happy!” Diana German 09/23/10

-“ The mind should look through the eyes of love.” Peter Dunov 09/23/10

-“ Si nada nos salva de la muerte, al menos que el amor nos salve de la vida.” Pablo Neruda 09/23/10

-“Al que nunca se queja nunca le compadecen.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ Fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind.” Dale Carnegie 09/23/10

-“ The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” Thomas Szasz 09/23/10

-“ Those that belittle others, do so to compensate for their lack of self-esteem. Let these attacks go over your head.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ Mientras menos sepas de alguien o algo, más atractivo se vuelve.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ Trusting in yourself, not what you accomplish, is the key to success.” Deepak Chopra 09/23/10

-“ El hábito nos reconciliará con todo, menos con el cambio.” Caleb C. Colton 09/23/10

-“El débil no puede perdonar. El perdón es un atributo de los fuertes.” Mahatma Ghandi 09/23/10

-“Los prejuicios están muy bien alimentados por la ignorancia.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ The things that drive you crazy are your greatest teachers... Find calmness within the storm.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself.” Richard Bach 09/23/10

-“ Las cosas que te vuelven loco son tus grandes profesoras.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ Love is like a fire, you can warm your heart with it, or you can get burnt, only those that cling feel the pain of love.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ El victorioso tiene muchos amigos, el vencido buenos amigos.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ Tu única obligación en la vida es ser verdadero contigo mismo.” Richard Bach 09/23/10

-“ The oasis you search is within your heart, fear is the illuision keeping you from your paradise, look within & see beauty.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ La familia es la sociedad en miniatura. La sociedad es la familia ampliada.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ No pases el tiempo con alguien que no esté dispuesto a pasarlo contigo.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ Wise people discuss ideas. Fools discuss how people should behave.” Paulo Coelho 09/23/10

-“ En un beso, sabrás todo lo que he callado.” Pablo Neruda 09/23/10

-“ Es duro pero es verdad que el deseo de olvidar puede convertirse en la mayor razón para recordar.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ Self acceptance leads to success, not the other way around.” Deepak Chopra 09/23/10

-“ El amor más fuerte es aquel que puede demostrar su fragilidad.” Paulo Coelho 09/23/10

- "As long as you truly believe in your own dreams, nobody can touch them and try to mess with you." Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ El consejo rara vez es bien recibido, porque el que más lo necesita es el que menos lo desea.” Ben Jonson 09/24/10

-“ Felices los que nada esperan, porque nunca serán defraudados.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ Spiritual truth is mere talk unless it is sincerely lived on a daily basis.” Philip Arnold 09/23/10

-“ Being authentic doesn't mean pretending to be perfect, it means expressing yourself with class and honesty.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ I don't forgive people cause I'm weak. I forgive them cause I'm strong enough to understand people make mistakes.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ Peace begins when expectations end.” Sri Chinmoy 09/23/10

-“ Las mujeres han sido hechas para ser amadas, no para ser comprendidas.” Oscar Wilde 09/23/10

-“ Never apologize for being real. Reality is the enemy of fakes, frauds, liars and protectors of ignorance.” Lupe Fiasco 09/23/10

-“ To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” Joseph Chilton Pearce 09/23/10

-“ The most important thing is to enjoy your life, to be happy. It's all that matters.” Audrey Hepburn 09/23/10

-“ Don't pray for a lighter load, pray and work for stronger muscles.” Unknown author 09/23/10

-“ Learn to be secretly happy within your heart in spite of all circumstances.” Yogananda 09/23/10

-“ Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing.” Harriet Braiker 09/23/10

-“ Elige un trabajo que ames y nunca tendrás que trabajar un día en tu vida.” Confucio 09/23/10

-“ Praying doesn't make you a saint any more than standing in an airport makes you an airplane.” Paulo Coelho 09/24/10

-“ Dios no te hubiera dado la capacidad de soñar sin darte también la posibilidad de convertir tus sueños en realidad.” Hector Tassinari 09/24/10

-“ Before speak, listen. Before spend, earn. Before criticize, wait. Before pray, forgive. Before quit, try.” Arthur Ward 09/24/10

-“ Lo que más molesta de una mentira es que ya no se podrá creer en quien la dijo.” Unknown author 09/24/10

-“ In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” John Bunyan 09/24/10

- "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” J.K. Rowling 09/24/10

-“ Cuando te das cuenta que quieres pasar el resto de tu vida con una persona, quieres que empiece lo antes posible.” Billy Cristal 09/24/10

-“ The condition of all progress is experience. We go wrong a thousand times before we find the right path.” Felix Adler 09/24/10

-“ Tienes que creer en ti cuando nadie lo hace. Eso es lo que te hace un ganador.” Venus Williams 09/24/10

-“ Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” The Secret 09/24/10

-“ There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen 09/24/10

-“ Es arrogante el que pide que los demás cambien y él sigue sin cambiar.” Unknown author 09/24/10

-“ A heart which worries & a mind which doubts do not achieve anything.” Peter Dunov 09/24/10

-“ No busques los errores, encuentra las soluciones.” Henry Ford 09/24/10

-“ Love is the mother of all goodness in this world, let her tenderness touch your life, so that you mature in her presence.” Unknown author 09/24/10

-“ No tengas como prioridad a alguien que te tiene como un accesorio.” Unknown author 09/24/10

-“ Siempre hay un poco de locura en el amor, aunque siempre hay un poco de razón en la locura.” Friedrich Nietzsche 09/24/10

-“If you have Fear: "Let it be for the ones you love to be lost, so you'll understand just how much they mean to you." Unknown author 09/25/10

-“If you have Anger: "Let it teaches u how regretful the words blurted out of control & make you learn how to control yourself." Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ If you have Hatred: "Let it teaches you how tiring it is to hate another, which eventually make you learn to forgive." Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Si quieres más felicidad, sirve a los demás. Si quieres más libertad, enfrenta a tus miedos.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Sometimes life offers you options you don't want to choose, but you must pick one or you'll lose all.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ As you learn how to survive, you learn how to appreciate. As you learn how to love, you learn how to live.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ When love seems to fade, only a little faith we need. A faith that believes everything will be fine in the end.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Silence makes fight becomes longer. Speak. Let it out before it kills you!” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Don't love cause you pity. Don't love cause you wanna be loved. Love, cause your heart loves.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Believe, that you will be repaid for everything you do. So what you do for others, you do it for yourself too.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ A veces, la más pequeña decisión puede cambiar tu vida para siempre.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ With mirth & laughter let old wrinkles come & let my liver rather heat with wine than my heart cool with mortifying groans.” William Shakespeare 09/25/10

-“ Love gives us the strength to perform impossible tasks.” Paulo Coelho 09/25/10

-“ Relationships are built on Trust, Respect, Friendship & Love. Relationship die with Anger, Distrust, Selfishness & Games!” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ You can't teach experience, that only comes with time.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Great teachers share more than the facts, they share values.” Reed Markham 09/25/10

-“ Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?" Benjamin Franklin

-“ Any day I would prefer the company of fools sages psychotics geniuses than those who reek of self righteous morality.” Deepak Chopra 09/25/10

-“ No need to be popular to win someone's heart. Be yourself! Because in someone's eyes you're already special.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ There are over six billion people in the world, but sometimes all you really need is one.”One Tree Hill 09/25/10

-“ We are not creatures of circumstance; we are creators of circumstance.” Benjamin Disraeli 09/25/10

-“ La paciencia es agria pero el fruto es dulce.” Aristóteles 09/25/10

-“ Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” Thich Nhat Hanh 09/25/10

-“ Are you colour blind, can you not see past the murk of past errors? Live & learn from the beauty of nature in melodic song.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ If we are so easily provoked and offended how will we ever love? Deepak Chopra 09/25/10

-“ Todo lo que se inicia en cólera termina en vergüenza.” Benjamín Franklin 09/25/10

-“ Family is not who you are related to, it is whom you love.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Comienza tu día con una sonrisa y verás lo divertido que es ir por ahí desentonando con todo el mundo.” Mafalda 09/25/10

-“Si robas, que sea un beso. Si lloras, que sea de alegría. Si pierdes, que sea el miedo. Si ganas, que sea un amigo.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Heal the soul first; then healing of the mind & body will follow.” Zhi Gang Sha 09/25/10

-“ Si dices la verdad no tienes que recordar nada.” Mark Twain 09/25/10

-“ En ocasiones, el dolor es el único recuerdo de que tuviste una relación real.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ If you are a real princess, be careful; normally you kiss a prince and he becomes a frog.” Paulo Coelho 09/25/10

-“ Do you want to feel the truth, or do you just want to hear what appeases you? The heart that listens knows the truth.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Lo peor que puedes hacer es desperdiciar tu única vida.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Forgive yourself for your faults & your mistakes & move on.” Les Brown 09/25/10

-“ Believe in what brings happiness & contentment to your life, a belief that does not bring this will only bring self-grief.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ By attempting the impossible one can attain the highest level of the possible.” August Strindberg 09/25/10

-“ Que los sueños de tu futuro sean mejores que las historias de tu pasado.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Y bailar hasta cansarse, de eso se debe tratar la vida.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ The flower of courage grows strong through hardship, it gives everything to gain life's nourishment. Just as you will!” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Si una pareja se pelea, no intervengas. Entre el yunque y el martillo no es prudente meter un dedo.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ You can teach better with your example than by your words.” Reed Markham 09/25/10

-“ The words you say mean nothing, but the way you say them means everything.” Eileen Parra 09/25/10

-“ Sharing with others is take and give and the result is love and care for each other.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Yesterday was easier, Tomorrow might harder, but Today makes me stronger.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Peace of mind comes when we exercise our right to be honest, especially with ourselves.” Jack Rose 09/25/10

-“ Enamórate de alguien que merezca tu corazón, no de alguien que juegue con él.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ You cannot be yourself if you are busy being what others want you to be.” Philip Arnold 09/25/10

-“ Kindness is loving people more than they deserve. “ Joseph Joubert 09/25/10

-“ Kindness is a language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” Mark Twain 09/25/10

-“ If someone does not smile at you, be generous and offer your own smile.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Nobody needs more a smile than the one that cannot smile to others.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ We live in the world when we love it.” Tagore 09/25/10

-“ Si caminas solo llegarás más rápido. Si caminas acompañado llegarás más lejos.” Unknown author 09/25/10

- "You get by with a little help from your friends..." Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Don't forget to be kind to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it.” Unknown author 09/25/10

- “The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers” Deepak Chopra 09/25/10

-“ It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth, even that fades away.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ You can only be afraid of what you think you know.” Jiddu Krishnamurti 09/25/10

-“ Without yesterday; there's no Regret. Without today; there's no Effort. Without tomorrow; there's no Hope.” Unknown author 09/25/10

-“ If you can change your mind, you can change your life.” William James 09/25/10

-“ One of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone is the gift of your attention.” Jim Rohn 09/26/10

-“ Kind actions, more than kind words will be remembered for a lifetime.” Reed Markham 09/26/10

-“ The best experience that you get in this life is Failure.” Unknown author 09/26/10

-“ Unless you first give your heart, you will remain far from love.” Peter Dunov 09/26/10

-“ I still believe that no matter how bad is people, they are still really good at heart.” Unknown author 09/26/10

-“ You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Buddha 09/26/10

-“ If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the world in the right direction.” Michael Kornfeld 09/26/10

-“ Whenever you give, do it without any hope for fame, respect or reward from others.” Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi 09/26/10

-“ Kindness is more than deeds. It’s an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. Its anything that lifts another person.” Unknown author 09/26/10

-“ El deseo todo lo hace florecer, la posesión hace que todo se marchite y se desvanezca.” Marcel Proust 09/26/10

-“ In the end, it is the person you become, not the things you have achieved, that is the most important.” Les Brown 09/26/10

-“ Cuando amas de verdad a alguien, edad, distancia, estatura o peso es sólo un número más.” Unknown author 09/26/10

-“ I have always said and felt that true enjoyment cannot be described.” Rousseau 09/26/10

-“ I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.” Albert Einstein 09/26/10

-“ The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able to give a large part of one's self to others.” Teilhard de Chardin 09/26/10

-“ Do not rely on others for the answers, you have to learn to support yourself, only then will you grow in maturity! Unknown author 09/26/10

-“Gain strength from your pain, and let envy become your motivation. Among the negatives, always seek for the positives!” Unknown author 09/29/10

-“Share all the love in your heart, for what is life spent apart, when you could shine like the sun.” Unknown author 09/29/10

-“ Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken.” Albert Camus 09/29/10

-“ Nothing is limited - not resources or anything else. It is only limited in the human mind.” The Secret 09/29/10

-“ Puedes tener todo lo que desees en la vida si sólo ayudaras a otras personas a conseguir lo que quieren.” Zig Ziglar 09/29/10

-“ If you are not full of love for all life forms, you are not fit to lead humanity.” Philip Arnold 09/29/10

-“ Adversities do not make a man frail. They show what sort of man he is.” Thomas Kempis 09/29/10

-“ Éxito es conseguir lo que quieres. Felicidad es querer lo que conseguiste.” Dale Carnegie 09/29/10

-“ Instead of motivation look for inspiration. Inspiration comes from the same word as spirit. When you are inspired, the spirit moves you.” Deepak Chopra 09/29/10

-“ Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.” Unknown author 09/29/10

-“ Si no hubiera quien los vea, ¿cuánta gente compraría un Ferrari?” Unknown author 09/29/10

-“ Es mejor para vivir tu propio destino imperfecto que vivir una imitación perfecta de la vida de otra persona.” Unknown author 09/29/10

-“L os espacios entre tus dedos fueron creados para que los de otra persona los pueda llenar.” Unknown author 09/29/10

-“ Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” Og Mandino 09/29/10

-“L a fe es dar el primer paso aún cuando no veas toda la escalera.” Martin Luther King 09/29/10

-“ It takes but one positive thought to survive & thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts:.” Robert Schuller 09/29/10

-“ No puedes decir que quieres un mundo diferente si te mantienes indiferente.” Unknown author 09/29/10

-“ A menudo es difícil distinguir entre los golpes duros y las oportunidades que te da la vida.” Unknown author 09/29/10

-“ Si hoy has dado lo mejor de ti, eso es lo que importa.” Unknown author 09/29/10

-“ We are never more discontented with others than when we are discontented with ourselves.” Henri Frederic Amiel 069/29/10

-“ Escoge a una mujer de la cual puedas decir: hubiera podido escogerla más bella, pero no mejor.” Pitágoras 09/29/10

-“ Nunca se es demasiado viejo para fijarse otra meta o para soñar otro sueño.” Les Brown 09/29/10

-“ Kindness is the best heroism.” Unknown author 09/29/10

-“ Honesty is the simplest things we could do to grow in joy and to achieve things.” Yansen Solihin 09/29/10

-“ A real act of kindness never ask or expect anything in return.” Unknown author 09/29/10

-“ Be receptive to your innermost being. Eternal truths can be grasped easily by one who listens.” Philip Arnold 09/29/10

-“ Una persona pobre no es la que no tiene un centavo, sino la que no tiene un sueño.” Harry Kemp 09/29/10

-“ Words of kindness are more powerful than cruel swords.” Jose B. Cabajar 09/29/10

-“ We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can fly only by embracing each other.” Luciano De Crescenzo 09/29/10

-“ When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” Viktor Frankl 09/29/10

-“ Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.” Robert Schuller 09/29/10

-“ Love is like a train, if u can't catch it, it's not coming back, just wait for the next.” Unknown author 09/30/10

-“ Power is of two kinds, one is obtained by the fear of punishment and other by the act of love.” Mahatma Gandhi 09/30/10

-“ Power based on love is a thousand times more effective & permanent than the one derived from fear of punishment.” Mahatma Gandhi 09/30/10

-“ Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief she is beautiful.” Sophia Loren 09/30/10

-“ Love doesn't need to be equal or be fair, it only needs to be real.” Mary Oliver 09/30/10

-“ Our ultimate freedom is the right & power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us.” Stephen Covey 09/30/10

-“ No es la experiencia de hoy la que nos causa estrés, es el arrepentimiento de algo que no hicimos ayer.” Dennis Waitley 09/30/10

-“ Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.” Aryn Kyle 09/30/10

-“ Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today” James Dean 09/30/10

-“ The choices we make, and the chances we take, determine our destiny.” Unknown author 09/30/10

-“ Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” Albert Einstein 09/30/10

- "No one can bother you unless you agree with them." Alan Cohen Unknown author 09/30/10

-“ Purpose is activated only when you have receptivity. Awareness is the key to achieving what the universe has planned for you.” Deepak Chopra 09/30/10

-“The rule of friendship means there should be mutual sympathy between, each supplying what the other lacks.” Buddha 10/01/10

-"Every passion has its destiny." Billy Mills 10/01/10

-“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-"If there is something to desire, there will be something to regret." Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ Quien quiere de verdad quiere en silencio, con hechos y nunca con palabras.” Carlos Ruiz Zafón 10/01/10

-“ Quien hace, puede equivocarse. Quien nada hace, ya esta equivocado.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ Trust is only good with people that have proven to deserve it!” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ Hay dos cosas que el hombre no puede ocultar: que está borracho y que está enamorado.” Antífanes 10/01/10

-“ Crime, when it succeeds, is called virtue.” Lucius Annaeus Seneca 10/01/10

-“ The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ Everybody deserves someone who makes them look forward for tomorrow.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ Nada es real hasta que se experimenta.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ Listen, or your tongue will keep you deaf.” Native North American Proverb 10/01/10

-“ You either create or allow everything that happens in your life.” The Secret 10/01/10

-“ Acostumbrarse es de mediocres.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ La vida no es esperar que pase la tormenta, es aprender a bailar bajo la lluvia.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ Muchas personas sobrevaloran lo que no son y subestiman lo que son.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ Hay dos grandes días en la vida de una persona: el día en que nació y el día en que descubre por qué.” William Barclay 10/01/10

-“ Si quieres ser feliz olvida aquello que es imposible cambiar.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ Listen to your intuition. It will tell you everything you need to know.” Anthony D'Angelo 10/01/10

-“ Cuando los que mandan pierden la vergüenza, los que obedecen pierden el respeto.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ La soberbia no es grandeza sino hinchazón; y lo que está hinchado parece grande pero no está sano.” San Agustín 10/01/10

-“ True self awareness starts within, you cannot copy anothers thoughts, you must think for yourself in solitude.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.” Socrates 10/01/10

-“ Quien mantenga la habilidad de ver la belleza nunca envejecerá.”Franz Kafka 10/01/10

-“ "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 10/01/10

-“ El amor es todo aquello que dura el tiempo exacto para que sea inolvidable.” Mahatma Ghandi 10/01/10

-“ En algo tan pequeño como una lagrima, cabe algo tan grande como un sentimiento.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ You cannot win every battle, yet you can become stronger through adversity, so that one day you will find your peace.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ El dolor es temporal, darse por vencido es para siempre.” Lance Armstrong 10/01/10

-“ No tienes que estar 100% convencido de algo con 51% es suficiente.”Anthony Grant 10/01/10

-“ Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.” Unknown author 10/01/10

- "Take an interest in the future, you will spend the rest of your life there." Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ No matter how great you may become, there is one within you much greater.” Philip Arnold 10/01/10

-“ Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.” Benjamin Spock 10/01/10

-“ Un auténtico amigo siempre llega a tiempo; otros, cuando tienen tiempo.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ Making mistakes simply means you are learning faster.” Weston H. Agor 10/01/10

-“ Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope or confidence.” Helen Keller 10/01/10

-“ The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” Unknown author 10/01/10

-“ Good instincts usually tell you what to do long before your head has figured it out.” Michael Burke 10/02/10

-“ The future belongs to those who believe in beauty of their dreams. Dream the highest and it might actually happen.” Unknown author 10/02/10

-“ Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Albert Einstein 10/02/10

-“ It's not what you have deep inside but what you do that defines you.” Batman Begins 10/02/10

-“ Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will start having positive results.” Willie Nelson 10/02/10

- "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." Unknown author 10/02/10

- "The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings." Unknown author 10/02/10

-“ All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning.” Unknown author 10/02/10

-“ El futuro nos tortura y el pasado nos encadena. He aquí por qué se nos escapa el presente.” Gustave Flaubert 10/02/10

-“ Love is sincere, joyful, generous, strong, patient, faithful, long-suffering, courageous, and never seeking its own.” Unknown author 10/02/10

-“ Los celos siempre nacen con el amor, pero no siempre mueren con él.” Unknown author 10/02/10

-“ The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” Muhammad Ali 10/02/10

-“ No hay ser mas cobarde y vil que quien busca solo sexo usando un "te amo". Unknown author 10/02/10

-“ We awaken in others the same attitude of mind we hold toward them.” Elbert Hubbard 10/02/10

- "Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." Maori Proverb 10/02/10

-“ Mientras más cosas buenas encuentres en los demás, más cosas buenas encuentras en ti.” Unknown author 10/02/10

-“ Pocas cosas son más difíciles de soportar que un buen ejemplo.” Mark Twain 10/02/10

-“ Primero debes cumplir tus propias expectativas, luego las de los demás.” Unknown author 10/02/10

-“You cannot live well if you have no faith & hope. These are the two hands of love.” Peter Dunov 10/05/10

-“Hello is such a simple word. But from the right person, it can mean everything.” Willa Cather 10/05/10

-“Cuando pensamos que el día de mañana nunca llegará, ya se ha convertido en el ayer.” Henry Ford 10/05/10

-“Trata de alcanzar el cielo con los pies sobre la tierra.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.” Mother Teresa 10/05/10

-"Leap and the net will appear." Julia Cameron 10/05/10

-“A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at.” Bruce Lee 10/05/10

-“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ No estás pegado en donde te encuentras, a menos que así lo hayas decidido.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ Don't hold to anger, hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from love.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ Never finish a negative statement; reverse it immediately and wonders will happen in your life.” Joseph Murphy 10/05/10

-“ Cuando alguien nos recibe con el corazón abierto, sin prejuicios e interesado en escucharnos, nuestro espíritu se expande.” Sue P. Thoele 10/05/10

-“ Servir es la renta que pagamos por el privilegio de vivir en esta tierra.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ Las personas felices no necesariamente tienen lo mejor de todo. Sólo hacen lo mejor de todo.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ If we accept any form of dogma, judgement or prejudice as truth, we will not know the pure truth of the heart.” Paul Ferrini 10/05/10

-“ No estés tan triste y pensativo, recuerda que la vida es como un espejo: te sonríe si lo miras sonriendo.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ Cualquier mediocre puede ser violento, matar, abusar o lastimar, pero no cualquiera posee el supremo valor de perdonar.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.” Mahatma Gandhi 10/05/10

-“ No te preocupes si ves a tu ex con alguien nuevo. Tus padres te enseñaron a dar tus juguetes viejos a los menos afortunados.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ Peace: that was the other name for home.” Kathleen Norris 10/05/10

-“ Nada se parece tanto a la ingenuidad como el atrevimiento.” Oscar Wilde 10/06/10

-“ If you hate someone, that hate consumes more of your energy, than it harms another. Let it go & move towards peace.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ Un día, tu vida pasará ante tus ojos. Asegúrate de que valga la pena verla.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ If your attitude towards life is not born of love & kindness, all that you find will become meaningless & worthless.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ Para manejarte a ti mismo, usa tu cabeza. Para manejar a otros usa tu corazón.” John C. Maxwell 10/05/10

-“ Cuando hacemos por los demás, podemos estar seguros de que recibiremos la bondad a cambio, dar es la recompensa.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Martin Luther King 10/05/10

-“ A nadie le interesa lo que sabes. Es lo que haces con lo que sabes lo que importa.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ The most important single ingredient in the formula for success is knowing how to get along with people.” T. Roosevelt 10/05/10

-“ Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill 10/05/10

-“ Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Aristotle 10/05/10

-“ La mejor manera de leer la mente de alguien es a través de sus acciones.” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ Life is to be enjoyed, not endured.” Gordon Hinckley 10/05/10

-“ Work hard, dress well, speak from the heart, believe in your dreams, never give up, repeat...” Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ Experience is how life catches up with us and teaches us to love and forgive each other.” Judy Collins 10/05/10

-“ Look deep into nature, & then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein 10/05/10

-“ Embrace all change, including the sad changes as a wonderful clearing for new and beautiful things to enter your life! Unknown author 10/05/10

-“ Sometimes you have to forget how you feel and remember what you deserve.” Sarah Kane 10/05/10

-“ Love is the strongest force the world possesses & yet it is the humblest imaginable. Mahatma Gandhi 10/05/10

-“ Sometimes the feelings you really mean are found in the letters which you write and never send. Philippos 10/05/10

-“ Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back.” Arthur Rubinstein 10/06/10

-“ The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge.” Bertrand Russell 10/06/10

-“ The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up.” Albert Einstein 10/06/10

-“ That which comes easily departs easily. That which comes of struggle remains.” Gordon Hinckley 10/06/10

-“ Love is patient, love is kind, love means slowly losing your mind.” Aline Brosh McKenna 10/06/10

-“ Don't fear the light within. May it ignite the Sacred Flame in your soul.” Paulo Coelho 10/06/10

-“ Haters are people who dedicate so much time to keep you on their mind. Means, they're just your fans in disguise.” Unknown author 10/06/10

-“ Hate has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet.” Maya Angelou 10/06/10

-“ El destino baraja las cartas, pero nosotros las jugamos.” William Shakespeare 10/06/10

-“ The soul cannot think without pictures.” Aristotle 10/06/10

-“ The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi 10/06/10

-“ Each contact with a human being is so rare, so precious, one should preserve it.” Anaïs Nin 10/06/10

-“ Debes ser el cambio que desea ver el mundo.” Mahatma Gandhi 10/06/10

-“ Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” A. de Saint-Exupéry 10/06/10

-“ Don't explain your feelings. They belong to you.” Paulo Coelho 10/06/10

-“ La belleza no está en la cara, la belleza es una luz en el corazón.” Kahlil Gibran 10/06/10

-“ A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband.” Unknown author 10/06/10

-“ A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” Charles Darwin 10/06/10

-“La peor parte de la vida es esperar. La mejor parte de la vida es tener a alguien que vale la pena esperar.” Unknown author 10/06/10

-“If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow.” Buddha 10/06/10

-“Las cosas no se dicen, se hacen, por que al hacerlas se dicen solas.” Woody Allen 10/06/10

-“Los abrazos existen para que las personas sepan que les aman sin decir nada.” Unknown author 10/06/10

-“ Si no sabes lo que buscas, no entienderás los que encuentres.” Unknown author 10/06/10

-“ There are treasures beyond compare in the ocean. If you seek safety stay ashore.” Unknown author 10/06/10

-“ He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.” Aristotle 10/06/10

-“ Las cosas grandes en la vida no se ven, por eso cerramos los ojos cuando besamos, lloramos o soñamos.” Unknown author 10/06/10

-“ Una oportunidad nunca se pierde, sólo es aprovechada por alguien más.” Unknown author 10/06/10

-“ Your life can be healed, yet you must let go of outworn ideals. Embrace the beauty of the messages calling you forwards.” Unknown author 10/06/10

-“ Love cannot help flowing towards those who have love for all beings.” Philip Arnold 10/06/10

-“ Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” Voltaire 10/06/10

-“ Hay una línea fina entre los sueños y la realidad. Depende de ti que la dibujes.” B. Quilliam 10/06/10

-“ Love is the absence of judgment.” Dalai Lama 10/06/10

-“ Fall seven times, stand up eight.” Japanese Proverb 10/06/10

- "All that we are is a result of what we have thought." Buddha 10/06/10

-“ Misfortune shows those who are not really friends.” Aristotle 10/06/10

-“ There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.” Friedrich Nietzsche 10/06/10

-“ Where there is great love, there are always miracles.” Willa Cather 10/07/10

-“ Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else.” Stephanie Meyer 10/07/10

-“ A la gente no le falta fuerza, le falta voluntad.” Víctor Hugo 10/07/10

-“ Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 10/07/10

-“ First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.” Epictetus 10/07/10

-“ Change yourself and fortune will change with you.” Portugese Proverb 10/07/10

-“ Never say more than is necessary.” Richard Brinsley Sheridan 10/07/10

-“ Easy tasks don’t make skilled artists” Paulo Coelho 10/07/10

-“ La incertidumbre es una margarita cuyos pétalos no se terminan jamás de deshojar.” Mario Vargas Llosa - Nobel de Literatura 2010

-“ We all get heavier as we get older because there's a lot more information in our heads.” Unknown author 10/07/10

-“ Sólo un idiota puede ser totalmente feliz.” Mario Vargas Llosa - Nóbel del Literatura 2010

-“ Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.” Friedrich Nietzsche 10/07/10

-“Always think deeply. Superficial thinking is a crime against yourself and humanity.” Philip Arnold 10/07/10

-“Let the light in through the curtains of your mind, you can only see clearly if you can think in clarity!” Unknown author 10/07/10

-“ Levanta tus palabras, no tu voz. Es la lluvia la que crece las hojas, no el trueno.” Rumi 10/07/10

-“ La política saca a flote lo peor del ser humano.” Mario Vargas Llosa - Nobel de Literatura 2010

-“ A nosotros... ha sido impuesta la atroz dicotomía de tener una sola vida y los deseos y fantasías de desear mil.” Mario Vargas Llosa - Nóbel del Literatura 2010

-"Solo el recuerdo encapsula e inmortaliza." Johnny Lopez 10/07/10

-“Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you.” Wayne Dyer 10/07/10

-“If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are.” Mother Teresa 10/07/10

-“Si pasas la vida preocupándote por cómo otros se sienten, perderás la pista de cómo te sientes.” Unknown author 10/07/10

-“Love is the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe and transcends all boundaries.” Deepak Chopra 10/07/10

-“Lo que está permitido no siempre es honorable.” Cicerón 10/07/10

-“Los locos viven sueños, los cuerdos sueñan sueños; los locos crean castillos, los cuerdos los habitan.” Unknown author 10/07/10

-“ Abandon the false & you are free of pain; truth makes happy, truth liberates.” Sri Maharaj 10/07/10

-“ Todos cometemos errores: los sabios los admiten y aprenden; los inseguros los niegan y los tontos los repiten.” Unknown author 10/07/10

-“ For it is in giving that we receive.” Francis of Assisi 10/07/10

-“ Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, or deny, serves to defeat us in the end.” Henry Miller 10/07/10

-“ Duele cuando recibes una sonrisa falsa de la persona que amas. Superarlo es difícil pero no imposible.” Unknown author 10/07/10

-“ Escribir es una manera de combatir la infelicidad.” Mario Vargas Llosa 10/07/10

-“ Hay muchas cosas en la vida que te llamarán la atención, pero sólo unas pocas capturarán tu corazón.” Michael Nolanvia 10/07/10

-“ No llores por alguien que no lloraría por ti.” Unknown author 10/07/10

-“ There is always another day, another dawn, another sunrise in your heart, if today did not bring joy your way.” Unknown author 10/07/10

-“ Las cicatrices que no puedes ver son las más difíciles de sanar.” Unknown author 10/07/10

- "A friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else." Len Wein 10/07/10

- “Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so.” Unknown author 10/07/10

- “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” Soren Kierkegaard 10/07/10

- “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” Colin Powell 10/07/10

-“ Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.” Dalai Lama 10/07/10

-“ Hot heads and cold hearts never solved anything.” Billy Graham 10/07/10

-“ Destiny is the bridge you build to the one you love.” Ho-sik Kim 10/07/10

-“ Just like a soldier, a true lover knows when to fight and when to surrender.” Maxwell Maltz 10/07/10

-“ Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.” Dalai Lama 10/07/10

-“ The hardest battle you're ever going to fight is the battle to be just you.” Leo Buscaglia 10/07/10

-“The key to change... is to let go of fear.” Rosanne Cash 10/07/10

-“ Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson 10/07/10

- “If you don't create change, change will create you.” Unknown author 10/07/10

-“ Live for yourself & you will live in vain; Live for others, & you will live again.” Bob Marley 10/07/10

-“ Wherever your heart is, that is where you'll find your treasure.” Paulo Coelho 10/08/10

-“One word frees us of all the weight & pain of life: That word is love.” Sophocles 10/08/10

-“When you and your heart become friends, neither will be capable of betraying the other. Paulo Coelho 10/08/10

-“ Si lloras por lo que no tienes, no podrás sonreír por lo que te rodea.” Unknown author 10/08/10

-“ My heart expands every time I sincerely thank someone.” Philip Arnold 10/08/10

-“ Never tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon.” Unknown author 10/08/10

-“ Wisdom is knowing what you want & what you need. Happiness is knowing what you have to keep & what you have to let go.” Unknown author 10/08/10

-“ Un verdadero amigo nunca se interpone en tu camino a menos que estés saliendo de la vía.” Unknown author 10/08/10

-“ The saddest prayer in the world is a prayer to be someone other than yourself.” Unknown author 10/08/10

-“ Be present in all things & thankful for all things.” Maya Angelou 10/08/10

-“ No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop 10/08/10

-“ No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.” John Donne 10/08/10

-“ Anyone can be heroic from time to time, but a gentleman is something you have to be all the time. - Luigi Pirandello

-“ Love deeply and forgive easily.” Unknown author 10/08/10

-“ Eres la única persona que puede hacer tus sueños realidad. Crea tu historia de cada día.” Unknown author 10/08/10

-“ Every seed at its heart has the potential for growth, just as your every act contains a seed to open the heart's of all.” Unknown author 10/08/10

- "Every sinner has a future, every saint has a past". Unknown author 10/08/10

-“ If work were good for you, the rich would leave none for the poor.” Haitian Proverb 10/08/10

-“ La bondad no es un acto, es una manera de ser.” Unknown author 10/08/10

- "When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." The Secret 10/08/10

-“ Cuando dejes de amar tu trabajo, empezarás a trabajar.” Unknown author 10/08/10

-“Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.” Kris Kristoferon 10/12/10

-“Your life is your message to the world. Make it inspiring!” Lorrin L. Lee 10/12/10

-“You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you.” Mary Tyler Moore 10/12/10

-“Si quieres que algo se haga, encárgaselo a una persona ocupada.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“If you love it enough anything & everything in the universe will speak to you.” Deepak Chopra 10/12/10

-“A veces, lo que estás buscando llega en el momento menos esperado. Ese es el destino.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ When two people love, light flows, if there is no light flowing in & out of them, they do not love each other.” Peter Dunov 10/12/10

-“ Life isn't something you earn, its something you learn.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.” Rabindranath Tagore 10/12/10

-“ Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it.” Howard Thurman 10/12/10

-“ El cielo nunca ayuda al que no actúa.” Sófocles 10/12/10

-“ Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.” Malcolm S. Forbes 10/12/10

-“ Two options of life: make yourself what the world wants, or make the world what you want.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ Hay dos tragedias en la vida. Una es no conseguir lo que desea tu corazón. La otra es conseguirlo. George Bernard Shaw 10/12/10

-“ The way forwards may not be easy, yet it can be no harder than what has gone before. Take heart & walk forwards.” 10/12/10

- "It is the combination of thought and love which forms the irresistible force of the law of attraction." The Secret 10/12/10

-“ Your purpose in life is to find your purpose & give your whole heart & soul to it.” Buddha 10/12/10

-“ Nunca una noche ha vencido al amanecer, y nunca un problema ha vencido a la esperanza.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ No vale la pena preocuparse por lo que piensan los demás de ti, porque están demasiado ocupados preguntándose que piensas tu de ellos.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ Awareness is not a gift, but a gesture of the self, an energetic movement to be present & embrace life.” Paul Ferrini 10/12/10

-“ La buena vida está inspirada por el amor y guiada por el conocimiento.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ La vida se cuenta por experiencias y no por posesiones.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ A good example has twice the value of good advice!” Unknown author 10/12/10

- "Every weed is a flower once you get to know it" Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ Para triunfar en la vida, debes superar los múltiples esfuerzos de los demás por hacerte caer.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ Trust is the fruit of a relationship in which you know you are loved.” William Young 10/12/10

-“ Allow the world to live as it chooses, and allow yourself to live as you choose.” Richard Bach 10/12/10

-“ Todos tenemos problemas, la forma en que los solucionamos es lo que nos hace diferentes.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ Think big. Talk little. Love much. Laugh easily. Work hard. Give freely. Pay cash and be kind. It's enough!” Waldo Emerson 10/12/10

-“ Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks, or in what they say. Just in what they are.” Markus Zusak 10/12/10

-“ No hay futuro si sólo repites el pasado.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise.” Maya Angelou 10/12/10

-“ Great minds have purposes; others have wishes.” Washington Irving 10/12/10

-“ Las cosas no son del dueño, son de quien las necesita y si uno no las cuida, llega otro y se la quita.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ Sometimes a winner is just a dreamer who never gave up.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ Chile ha dado un ejemplo de dignidad, trabajo en equipo y solidaridad. ¡Gracias por las inolvidables emociones! Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ Para ver milagros, hay que ser el milagro.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ Never tell your problems to anyone...20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them.” Lou Holtz 10/12/10

-“What you provide for others, will come back in another form. Never worry about instant gratification. You will be rewarded!” Unknown author 10/12/10

-“ Life is under no obligation to give us what we expect.” Margaret Mitchell 10/12/10

-“ Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life.” Burton Hills 10/13/10

-“ Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth, even that fades away. Go for someone who makes u smile.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ Always smile in your life, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ You must let go of something you've got, to move to something you've not.” Rick Warren 10/13/10

-“ You must let go of something you've got, to move to something you've not.” Rick Warren 10/13/10

-“ Many things will catch your eyes, but only few will catch your heart.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ Todo parece imposible hasta que se hace.” Nelson Mandela 10/13/10

-“ An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” Mahatma Gandhi 10/13/10

-“ Life without rhythm is ungrounded. It reaches for the heavens while ignoring the earth.” Paul Ferrini 10/13/10

-“ La vida es como un espejo: te sonríe si la miras sonriendo.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ Patience is bitter. But its fruit is sweet.” Aristotle 10/13/10

-“ The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success.” Paramahansa Yogananda 10/13/10

-“ Los malos hábitos son más fáciles de dejar hoy que mañana.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Sir Isaac Newton 10/13/10

-“ Being nice to the people you don't like isn't called two faced, it’s called growing up.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ Un momento dura un segundo pero su recuerdo puede durar toda la vida.” Unknown author 10/13/10

- "Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them.” Washington Irving 10/13/10

-“ An attitude of surrender holds more possibility than your controlling mind can even imagine.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ Lose yourself in wonderment & you will find the meaning of life, hidden in the heart of all that is innocent & free.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ Ignorancia es cuando alguien no entiende lo que te gusta. Elitismo es cuando a alguien le gusta lo que no entiendes.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ You are here for a reason. Don't struggle to find out why you are here. Just look closer and enjoy the journey.” Deepak Chopra 10/13/10

-“ El resentimiento es como tomar veneno y esperar que la otra persona se muera.” Carrie Fisher 10/13/10

-” Rise above the need to control to feel alive, and you will tap the power of your higher self that accepts reality as it unfolds.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“We are all allowed free will to express ourselves with every ounce of creative power at our disposal.” Deepak Chopra 10/13/10

-“Un cobarde se asusta y se retira. Un héroe se asusta, pero aún continúa.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“You only lose what you cling to.” Buddha 10/13/10

-“The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender.” William Booth 10/13/10

-“Life goes round in circles, until you learn that life is straight forward, the path is simple, just listen to your past!” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ El éxito es vivir bien, reír con frecuencia y amar mucho.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age.” Jeanne Moreau 10/13/10

-“ Entre dos males, siempre escoge el que nunca antes has intentado.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ Tocar el corazón de alguien es hermoso, tocar el alma es eterno.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ Look for small mercies, do not expect problems to go overnight. She who appreciates what is given, gets all she needs.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ Hay sólo una felicidad en la vida: amar y ser amado.” George Sand 10/13/10

-“ Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” Aristotle 10/13/10

-“ Dios nunca nos pone cargas que no podamos superar.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ To your senses, you are just a drop in the ocean. But in truth, my friend, you are the ocean itself.” Philip Arnold 10/13/10

-“ El que ama nunca olvida, y si olvida no aborrece, vuelve a querer si quiso, vuelve a querer si se ofrece.” Jorge Luis Borges 10/13/10

-“ La fe también significa vivir sin todas las respuestas.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ Cuando amas a alguien más de lo que se merece, terminas con más dolor del que te mereces.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ LIFE without LOVE is tasteless, colorless and incomplete.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ Always greet the new day with fresh hope in your heart, she who embraces the day as a child, rises with love in her heart.” Unknown author 10/13/10

-“ When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” Rumi 10/13/10

-“ You will find what you are searching for, when you stop looking, your eyes are blind, compared to what your soul can see.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ Life may not always be as good as it should be, but it's never as bad as it could be!” Jerome Smalls 10/14/10

-“ You've got to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you've got, and remember what you had.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ Forgive your enemies, but never, never forget their names.” John F. Kennedy 10/14/10

-“ El cuerpo se cura con el juego, la mente sana con la risa, el espíritu con la alegría.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free & realising you were the prisoner!” Max Lucado 10/14/10

-“ Always say 'yes' to the present moment. What could be more futile (insane) than inner resistance to what already is.” E. Tolle 10/14/10

-“ Si te diste cuenta de lo poderosos que tus pensamientos son, nunca tendrías un pensamiento negativo.” Peace Pilgrim 10/14/10

-“ For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ Honesty costs you nothing, he who opens his heart in communication, opens the gateway to friendship, rich in trust.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ Los sueños no desaparecerán siempre que no los abandones.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ Life is a boomerang. Whatever good or bad you do, it will come right back to you sooner or later!” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ Take nothing for granted. Life is a precious gift. Give thanks for every moment of living and loving.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes.” Marilyn Monroe 10/14/10

-“ Today, shift your intention from what you are receiving to what you are giving.” The Secret 10/14/10

-“ Negación, argumento favorito de la ignorancia.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ A veces, es necesario que algo te suceda para comprender que sólo tenemos una vida.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ Give yourself permission to be all, do all, see all, and love all, that the gift of life has to offer.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ True love begins when nothing is looked for in return.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 10/14/10

-“ No seas simplemente bueno; sé bueno para algo.” Henry David Thoreau 10/14/10

-“ Beautiful thoughts are like a garden over-flowing with flowers, they spread seeds of empowerment into your every action.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“A single point to the heart can expand to liberate the world.” Deepak Chopra 10/14/10

-“You learn when you lose, but you learn more when you win.” Paulo Coelho 10/14/10

-“No te disculpes por mostrar tus sentimientos. Al hacerlo, te disculpas por expresar la verdad.” Benjamin Disraeli 10/14/10

-“The wisest men follow their own direction.” Euripides 10/14/10

-“La gratitud silenciosa no es muy útil para nadie. En vida hermana/o, en vida.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“Cuando la persona que amas se convierte en un recuerdo, la memoria se convierte en un tesoro.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ No te arrepientas de lo que has hecho, porque en un momento en tu vida, era exactamente lo que querías hacer.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” Ralph Waldo Emerson 10/14/10

-“ Una vida sin propósito es un fracaso.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ Everything is possible. When you make a choice, you change the future.” Deepak Chopra 10/14/10

-“ A best friend sees the first tear, catches the second, and stops the third.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ Be silent and refrain from action unless your input is sure to improve the universe.” Philip Arnold 10/14/10

-“ Cuanto más se ama a un amante, más cerca se está de odiarle.” Oscar Wilde 10/14/10

-“ Remember the past, plan for the future, but live for today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ Never regret something that made you smile. Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.” Unknown author 10/14/10

-“ Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” Carl Jung 10/15/10

-“ Cuando veas a un hombre bueno, trata de imitarlo, cuando veas a un hombre malo, examínate a ti mismo.” Confucio 10/15/10

-“Common sense is not so common.” Voltaire 10/15/10

“Everything you can imagine is real.” Pablo Picasso 10/15/10

-“ You cannot fulfill your inner potential without transcending the limits set by culture or convention.” Philip Arnold 10/15/10

-“ Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.” Rabindranath Tagore 10/15/10

-“ Strive for excellence, not perfection.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ Nada es miserable en la vida a menos que tu lo estimes.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ You know love and pain, joy and sorrow. Accept it all, but attach to none of it. Each whispers truth to you as it passes through.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” Goethe 10/15/10

-“ Laugh a lot. A good sense of humor cures almost all of life's ills.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“Los débiles no pueden perdonar. El perdón es un atribuyó de los fuertes.” Mahatma Gandhi 10/15/10

-“It's never wrong to desire what you deserve.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“I am the master of my destiny.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ Be full, be humble, be utterly silent, be the bowl of wine passed from hand to hand.” Al-Ansâri 10/15/10

-“ Los mediocres cumplen una gran labor; sin ellos ¿a quiénes superarían los exitosos?” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ Words of love are music to your soul, be a musician of love & bring the orchestra of Heaven to earth.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ El hombre superior se culpa. El hombre inferior culpa a los demás.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ ¿Estás triste? Busca a otra persona triste y consuélala, entonces encontrarás la alegría.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.” Henry David Thoreau 10/15/10

- "Giving back is one of the best feelings in the world." Paris Hilton 10/15/10

-“ When you risk losing everything one thing is certain, you will always find yourself - which is everything.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ Joy comes to those who are willing to let go of the familiar and happily embrace the unknown.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ Cuántas cosas perdemos por miedo a perder.” Paulo Coelho 10/15/10

-“ Contemplate love every day. Loving reflections make the heart grow.” Deepak Chopra 10/15/10

-“ The good life is ever changing, challenging, devoid of regret, intense, creative & risky.” Friedrich Nietzsche 10/15/10

-“ We are not alone in the dark, our path will unfold as we move.” Paulo Coelho 10/15/10

-“ Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions.” Albert Einstein 10/15/10

-“ If you worry about what tomorrow brings, you're gonna be worrying for a whole lifetime.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ Da y no esperes nada a cambio. Cuando haya una recompensa, será una agradable sorpresa.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ Quien habla todo lo que le place, escucha lo que no le place.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ Whoever is happy will make others happy.” Anne Frank 10/15/10

-“ Wisdom is knowing what to do next, Skill is knowing how to do it, and Virtue is doing it.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ If you devote yourself to the positives in your life, the negatives will begin to divorce you.” Philip Arnold 10/15/10

-“ El sitio para estar feliz es aquí. El tiempo para ser feliz es ahora.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ La venganza más cruel es el desprecio de toda venganza posible.” Goethe 10/15/10

-“ La imaginación es gratuita. Usémosla sin tregua.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ If today was perfect there would be no need for tomorrow.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ The standard of success in life isn't the things. It isn't the money or the stuff -- it is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.” Unknown author 10/15/10

- "Often in life we forget the things we should remember and remember the things we should forget." Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down." Jimmy Durante 10/15/10

-“ The best things in life are unseen, that’s why we close our eyes when we kiss, cry, and dream.” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ Anger is thunder inside building up, clear the clouded mind, before you strike out at another. Think twice before acting!” Unknown author 10/15/10

-“ Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” Helen Keller 10/16/10

-“ Desire disappears as you become more and more aware. When awareness is one hundred percent, there is no desire at all.” OSHO 10/16/10

-“ Memories have to be our most painful blessing.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ To develop friendships, stop trying to be interesting and just be interested in others.” Rick Warren 10/16/10

-“ The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.” Ann Landers 10/16/10

-“ Worrying is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere.” Van Wilder 10/16/10

-“ Our heart is like an unfinished puzzle that is why we search for the perfect piece to complete it.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ Forever is a long long time and time has a way of changing things.” Daniel P. Mannix 10/16/10

-“ I try to treat every person I meet like an old friend, and that gives me a real sensation of happiness.” Dalai Lama 10/16/10

-“ Never blame others for your failures, because they certainly contributed to your success.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ Accept your weaknesses, they are your strengths in disguise, for she who understands this, will surely grow as she love's.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.” Lily Tomlin 10/16/10

-“ You are as Divine and as perfect as you allow yourself to be.” Philip Arnold 10/16/10

-“ A loving heart is the truest wisdom.” Charles Dickens 10/16/10

-“ Tu mejor regalo a los demás es ser feliz e irradiar tu felicidad al mundo entero.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine.” Ernesto 'Che' Guevara 106/16/10

-“ We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ The difference between genius and stupidity is; genius has its limits.” Albert Einstein 10/16/10

-“ No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions.” Charles Steinmetz 10/16/10

-“ Cuando enfrentes lo que temes te quitarás un enorme peso de encima y sentirás un gran alivio.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-"Minds are like parachutes, they only function when open." Thomas Dewar 10/16/10

-"Muchos conocen el camino correcto pero pocos lo recorren." Unknown author 10/16/10

-“Lo peor para un corazón roto es conocer que tu diste una segunda oportunidad y te fallaron.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“Todo tiene su belleza, pero no todo el mundo la ve.” Confucio 10/16/10

-“Problemas y retos personales son de nunca acabar. Mientras más los afrontamos, más crecemos.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ Hay algo que no se pude reciclar: el tiempo perdido.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind.” Evan Esar 10/16/10

-“ To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.” Eleanor Roosevelt 10/16/10

-“ Love should come first, it should be the beginning of, & the reason for everything” Gerald May 10/16/10

-“ Don't lie to your loved ones. The truth hurts for a little while, but lies hurt forever.” Unknown author 10/16/10

- "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill 10/16/10

-“ Everything is Possible as long as you never give up.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ No te empeñes en que todos te conozcan, sino en ser alguien que merezca la pena conocer.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ If you are able to state a problem, it can be solved.” Edwin H. Land 10/16/10

-“ Todos tenemos un secreto inconfesable, un arrepentimiento irreversible, un sueño inalcanzable y un amor inolvidable.” Diego Marchi 10/16/10

-“ Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest. It's about who came, and never left your side.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ Un amigo cruza los dedos cuando tienes que hacer algo difícil y sonrie cuando lo logras.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” A.A. Milne 10/16/10

-“ Smile even through your tears. Be strong even through your fears.” Zen Habits 10/16/10

-“ No need to be popular to win someone's heart. Be yourself! Because in someone's eyes you're already special.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ Choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” Aristotle 10/16/10

-“ Consigue lo que quieres y después quiere lo que consigues.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ Si quieres algo que nunca tuviste debes hacer algo que nunca hiciste.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-“ El problema de tener grandes expectativas es que se tienen también grandes decepciones.” Unknown author 10/16/10

- "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." Robert Frost 10/16/10

-“ Sometimes you stumble to prevent a fall.” Unknown author 10/16/10

-"It's better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone." Marilyn Monroe 10/16/10

-“ Real love & truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world.” Charles Dickens 10/16/10

-“ Without meditation you do not know the secrets of life, you know only the surface of life.” OSHO 10/16/10

-“ Wisdom is knowing what to overlook, what to ignore, and what to pay close attention to.” Rick Warren 10/17/10

-"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." Katherine Hepburn 10/17/10

-“ Everybody wants happiness and nobody wants pain but you can't have a rainbow without a rain.” Unknown author 10/17/10

-“ Whether I'm gonna look "Japanese" or "Indonesian", I'm still gonna be ME! And that's what matters.” Unknown author 10/17/10

-“ You cannot avoid pain, but you can chose to overcome it.” Paulo Coelho 10/17/10

-“ Go out of your way to offer kindness to all you meet, for Heaven can only be found on earth if one beautifies life.” Unknown author 10/17/10

-“ You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving.” Unknown author 10/17/10

-“ A proud man is a man that gives love away, for the man who shares all, gains pleasure in sharing his heart's treasure.” Unknown author 10/17/10

-“ Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” Buddha 10/17/10

-“ La felicidad no depende de lo que tenemos o buscamos, sino de lo que somos.” Unknown author 10/17/10

-“ Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” Helen Keller 10/17/10

-“ Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Unknown author 10/17/10

-“ The ability to think and to think big is the greatest gift to mankind. So why do we fail to make use of that?” Unknown author 10/17/10

-“ Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is a beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, realize it.” Mother Theresa 10/17/10

-“ Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it.” Mother Teresa 10/17/10

-“ Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it.” Mother Theresa 10/17/10

-“ Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it.” Mother Theresa 10/17/10

-“ Life is luck, make it. Life is life, fight for it.” Mother Theresa 10/17/10

-“ Apártate progresivamente, sin rupturas violentas, del amigo para quien representas un medio en vez de ser un fin.” Ramón y Cajal 10/17/10

-“ If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.” Chinese Proverb 10/17/10

-“ There's always a person in our life that we just can't hate, no matter what s/he did and no matter how hard we tried.” Y Hossam 10/17/10

-“ Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Lao Tzu 10/17/10

-“ Sometimes the greatest rewards in life come from doing the things that scare you the most.” One Tree Hill 10/17/10

-“ Ríe tanto como respiras y ama tanto como vives.” Unknown author 10/17/10

-“Trust can often be fragile, yet the more you trust yourself, the more you will be willing, to trust another!” Unknown author 10/17/10

-“I'm not a fighter, I'm a lover. But I will fight for what I love!” The Little Rascals 10/17/10

-“La creatividad requiere el coraje de dejar ir a las certezas.” Erich Fromm 10/17/10

-“Do what makes you happy, it serves you no good to stay in a situation a moment longer, than is beneficial for your growth.” Unknown author 10/17/10

-“Contar con la confianza es un cumplido mayor a que te digan que te aman.” Unknown author 10/17/10

-“El que no es lo suficientemente valiente como para asumir riesgos no logrará nada en la vida.” Muhammad Ali 10/17/10

-“ The first duty of love is to listen.” Unknown author 10/19/10

-"Our fears always outnumber our dangers" Unknown author 10/19/10

-“ No toda distancia es ausencia, ni todo silencio es olvido.” Unknown author 10/19/10

-“ You can only understand people if you feel them in yourself.” John Steinbeck 10/19/10

-“ La tontería se pone delante para ser vista, la inteligencia detrás para observar.” Unknown author 10/19/10

-“ When life tells you to give up. Hope whispers : Try one more time.” Unknown author 10/19/10

- "Love is liking someone more than yourself." Unknown author 10/19/10

-“ Cuando el corazón está en paz, el cuerpo está sano.” Unknown author 10/19/10

- "Greatest gift you can give is respect & love." Unknown author 10/19/10

-“ I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm counting on a moment of truth with you.” Unknown author 10/19/10

- "Don't let anyone tell you that you're not making a difference." Unknown author 10/19/10

-“ No vayas por alguien que deseas, vé por alguien que merezcas.” Unknown author 10/19/10

-“ In doing something, do it with love or never do it at all.” Mahatma Gandhi 10/19/10

-“ Vive tu vida de la manera que quieras vivirla y no dejes que otros la vivan por ti.” Unknown author 10/19/10

-“ You can escape from liability,but you cannot escape from regret.” Phillippos 10/19/10

-“ Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.” Wayne Dyer 10/19/10

- "Who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet." German Proverb 10/19/10

-“ The future depends on what you do today.” Mahatma Gandhi. 10/19/10

-“ Love respects so much that it gives freedom. And if love is not giving freedom, it is not love, it is something else.” OSHO 10/19/10

-“ Imperfection is beauty. Madness is genius.” Marilyn Monroe 10/19/10

-“ It's better to be Absolutely ridiculous than to be Absolutely boring.” Marilyn Monroe 10/19/10

-“ I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them.” Marilyn Monroe 10/19/10

- "For the hearts that truly love, miles is just a word willing to wait!" Unknown author 10/20/10

-“ All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, it will not change you.” Wayne Dyer 10/20/10

-“ Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” Judy Garland 10/20/10

-“ El primer paso para conseguir lo que quieres, es saber qué quieres.” Unknown author 10/20/10

-“ Honesty is the road to a healthy relationship, you cannot expect another to read your mind. Be as open as the book of love!” Unknown author 10/20/10

-“ Puedes evitar la realidad, pero no puedes evitar las consecuencias de evitar esa realidad.” Ayn Rand 10/20/10

-“ There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.” J Musto 10/20/10

-“ Protect your subconscious mind even better than you protect your passwords and money.” Philip Arnold 10/20/10

-“ No juzgues las cosas que no entiendes. Los prejuicios son peligrosos.” Unknown author 10/20/10

-“ Everything you can imagine is real.” Pablo Picasso 10/20/10

-“ Every man has a right to risk his own life for the preservation of it.” Rousseau 10/20/10

-“ The dreamers are the saviors of the world.” James Allen 10/20/10

-“ Faith is the best of companions; it is the best refreshment on the journey; & it is the greatest property." Buddha 10/20/10

-“ Happiness is not something that depends on our surroundings. It is something we make inside ourselves.” Corrie ten Boom 10/20/10

-“ No hay conversación más aburrida que aquella en la que todos están de acuerdo.” Michel de Montaignee 10/20/10

-“ Regrets can hold you back and prevent the most wonderful things taking place in your lives.” Eileen Caddy 10/20/10

-“ People change for two reasons: For their own happiness, and for someone they love.” Unknown author 10/20/10

-“El milagro no es volar en el aire o viajar sobre el agua, sino caminar sobre la tierra.” Unknown author 10/20/10

-“ The more you are motivated by Love, The more Fearless & Free your actions will be.” Dalai Lama 10/20/10

-“There is only one way to happiness… that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or our will.” Epictetus 10/20/10

-“Es más fácil no decir lo que pensamos en un momento de ira, que disculparnos después.” Unknown author 10/20/10

-“If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out.” Rabindranath Tagore 10/20/10

-“No necesitas entender lo que significa el amor para ser capaz de amar. Sólo tienes que sentirlo.” Unknown author 10/20/10

-“Never apologize for being real. Reality is the enemy of fakes, frauds, liars and protectors of ignorance.” Lupe Fiasco 10/20/10

-“ Love is joy. Don't convince yourself that suffering is part of it.” Paulo Coelho 10/20/10

-“ Si no sufrieramos tiempos difíciles no apreciaríamos los buenos tiempos.” Unknown author 10/20/10

-“ La peor prisión es un corazón cerrado.” Juan Pablo II 10/20/10

-“ Three things are needed for a good life: "Good Friends, Good Food, and Good Song." Jason Zebehazy 10/20/10

-“ The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.” Marcus Aurelius 10/21/10

-“ The answer you are looking for is usually the answer you are most afraid of hearing.” Unknown author 10/20/10

-“ If something's bound to happen, it will happen.. Right time, right person, and for the best reason.” Aristotle 10/20/10

-“ No tengas miedo a dar un gran paso. Un precipicio no se pasa a saltitos.” Unknown author 10/20/10

-“ No hay mentira peor que una verdad mal entendida por los que la oyen.” William James 10/20/10

-“ Love, peace, joy and harmony are the best vitamins in the universe.” Philip Arnold 10/20/10

-“ A woman is like your shadow - follow her, she flies; fly from her, she follows.” Chamfort 10/20/10

-“ Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded.” Buddha 10/20/10

-“ No hay ganancia sin sufrimiento. Si nunca fallaste, nunca lo intentaste.” Unknown author 10/20/10

- "Those who hate me motivate me; those who i hate inspire me." Unknown author 10/20/10

-“ Before speaking, listen. Before spending, earn. Before criticizing, wait. Before praying, forgive. Before quitting, try.” Arthur Ward 10/20/10

- "To be happy when things are not going well is courageous.” Unknown author 10/21/10

-“ Nothing happens to any man which he is not formed by nature to bear.” Marcus Aurelius 10/21/10

-“ Si no sabes donde vas, al menos debes saber de donde vienes.” Unknown author 10/21/10

-“ When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” Anthony Robbins 10/21/10

-“ Gratitude is appreciation for people and situations as they are, rather than as you wish they were or expect them to be.” Unknown author 10/21/10

-“ Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.” Albert Einstein 10/21/10

-“ Watch the thought & its ways with care, & let it spring from love born out of concern for all beings.” Buddha 10/21/10

-“ Compassion is the basis of morality.” Arnold Schopenhauer 10/21/10

-“ The difference between genius and stupidity is; genius has its limits.” Albert Einstein 10/21/10

-“ Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it.” Mark Twain 10/21/10

-“ Nunca digas que no te mereces lo que quieres.” Heath Ledger 10/21/10

-“ You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again.” Bonnie Prudden 10/21/10

-“ Laugh at confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.” Unknown author 10/21/10

-“ When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” Jimi Hendrix 10/21/10

-“ Serás amado el día en que podrás mostrar tu debilidad sin que el otro se sirva de esto para afirmar su fuerza.” Cesare Pavese 10/21/10

-“ Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” The Secret 10/21/10

-“ Self-pity is our worst enemy & if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world.” Helen Keller 10/21/10

-“Todo lo que nos molesta de los demás nos ayuda a entender lo que en realidad somos.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“If we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it.” Cicero 10/22/10

-“Today every word I utter will be chosen consciously. I will refrain from complaints, condemnation, and criticism. I will walk in love.” Deepak Chopra 10/22/10

-“Best friend is someone who knows all about you and your mistakes but yet they still find the best in you.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ It's the rule of life that everything you've always waited for comes the very second you stop looking for it.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ Si esperas la situación ideal, nunca llegará. Si creas la situación ideal, siempre será.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ Si te preocupa lo que podría ser y te preguntas lo que podría haber sido, pasarás por alto lo que es.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ Forgiveness is born of increased awareness. The more you can see, the easier it is to forgive.” Deepak Chopra 10/22/10

-“ It is not what or who you know, it is how you know it.” Trevor Butcher 10/22/10

-“ No hay barrera, cerradura, ni cerrojo que puedas imponer a la libertad de mi mente.” Virginia Wolf 10/22/10

-“ No tengas miedo de renunciar a lo bueno para ir a lo grande.” John D. Rockefeller 10/22/10

-“ Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” Buddha 10/22/10

-“ No puedes decirle a tu corazón lo que debe hacer, él te lo dirá.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ Open your eyes & see, this world is beautiful, you will agree. Open your heart & feel, then you will know how to be free.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ Si las personas que sólo se preocupan de sus deudas pensaran en las riquezas que poseen, podrían dejar de preocuparse.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.” Bruce Lee 10/22/10

-“ If it's still in your mind, it is still in your heart...” Paulo Coelho 10/22/10

-“ The greatest firmness is the greatest mercy.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ Promise is most given when the least is said.” George Chapman 10/22/10

-“ It's the smallest things that will make you smile when you look back in ten years.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ Si tratas de ser alguien que no eres, serás un desperdicio de la persona que eres.” Kurt Cobain 10/22/10

-“ True happiness comes from the effort of making others happy. Give and share your love everyday!” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ Don't let your opinions get in the way of the truth, learn to understand, by being at one with your surroundings.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now.” Buddha 10/22/10

-“ Silence is sometimes the best answer.” Dalai Lama 10/22/10

-“The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was.” Marcel Pagnol 10/22/10

-“ The tide of your emotions will turn, once you let nature take it's course. Be patient & love will come back once more.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ ¿Qué es un envidioso? Un ingrato que detesta la luz que le alumbra y le calienta.” Víctor Hugo 10/22/10

-“ La voz de un enemigo te acusa, pero el silencio de un amigo te condena.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ If you have inner peace, external problems do not affect your deep sense of peace & tranquility.” Dalai Lama

-“ Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end!” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ Missing someone is when you are doing something and you wish that they were right there with you.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ Sometimes the things we say sarcastically are what were really thinking deep down.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ Two things to remember: DON'T make decisions when you're angry and DON't make promises when you're happy.” Unknown author 10/22/10

-“ Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.” One Tree Hill 10/22/10

-“ There are no perfect men in the world, only perfect intentions.” Robin Hood 10/22/10

-“ All conditionings are based on belief. And my whole effort is that experience should be the only criterion, not belief.” OSHO 10/22/10

-“ Your happiness depends on you alone.” Aristotle 10/22/10

-“ It's easy to believe someone when they tell you exactly what you want to hear.” Unknown author 10/23/10

-“ Life has no Limitations, only Possibilities.” Pritesh Jethwani 10/23/10

-“ Good decisions come from experience and experience comes from bad decisions.” Unknown author 10/23/10

-“ it is okay to be scared. It means you still have something to lose.” Unknown author 10/23/10

-“ Optimist: Person who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.” Mark Twain 10/23/10

-“ Maturity is accepting the responsibility of being oneself, whatsoever the cost. Risking all to be oneself.” Osho 10/23/10

-“ El amor puede en ocasiones ser mágico, pero la magia, a veces, es sólo una ilusión.” Unknown author 10/23/10

-“ The biggest mistake I have made in my life is letting people stay in my life far longer than they deserve.” Unknown author 10/23/10

-“ Find hope in the darkest of days, & focus in the brightest. Do not judge the universe.” Dalai Lama 10/23/10

-“ Una vela alumbra mucho más en los momentos más oscuros. Eso es la esperanza.” Unknown author 10/23/10

-“ Certain things catch your eye. But pursue only those that capture your heart.” Old Indian Saying 10/23/10

-“ One man with courage makes a majority.” Andrew Jackson 10/23/10

-“ Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” Dr Suess 10/23/10

-“ Tell me who you love, and I'll tell you who you are.” Creole proverb 10/23/10

-“If you believe, if you truly believe, you will achieve anything, as long as hold love in your heart, you shall receive!” 10/23/10

-“There is only one good. And that is to act according to the dictates of one's conscience.” Simone de Beauvoir 10/23/10

-“Hay personas divertidas que no interesan y personas interesantes que no divierten.” Benjamín Disraeli 10/23/10

- "Never fly too high, no one survives a hard fall." Unknown author 10/23/10

-“Maybe you’ll have second chance, but it will never be as great as the first one.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“ You don't get to choose when or who you meet, but you do get to choose who you hold on to.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“ En nuestros locos intentos, renunciamos a lo que somos por lo que esperamos ser.” William Shakespeare 10/26/10

-“ Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.” James Baldwin 10/26/10

-“ Si vives mirando hacia el sol, no verás las sombras.” Helen Séller 10/26/10

-“ Once you've tasted the truth, you won't ever want to go back to being ignorant.” Socrates 10/26/10

-“ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt 10/26/10

-“ Cuando te duele mirar hacia atrás y te da miedo mirar adelante, mira hacia la izquierda o la derecha y allí estaré, a tu lado.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“ Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.” Confucius 10/26/10

-“ La gente podrá dudar de lo que digas pero no de lo que hagas.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“ Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.” Albert Einstein 10/26/10

-“ The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf.” Shakti Gawain 10/26/10

-“ Always aim at purifying your thoughts & everything will be well.” Mahatma Gandhi 10/26/10

-“ Just like the law of gravity, the law of attraction never slips up. If something came to you, you drew it, with prolonged thought.” The Secret 10/26/10

-“ Tanto la pobreza como la riqueza descienden del pensamiento.” Napoleón Hill 10/26/10

-“ Hay un lugar de la mujer que puedes tocar y que la volverla loca. su corazón.” Melanie Griffith 10/26/10

-“ Vive apasionadamente, con todas las heridas que puedan resultar: Vale la pena.” Paulo Coelho 10/26/10

-“ Si empiezas a creer que todo lo pasado fue mejor, estás empizando a dejar de soñar.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“ A heart needs only its own voice to do what is right” Vanna Bonta 10/26/10

-“ Lo contrario al amor no es el odio, es la apatía.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“ If you observe well your own heart will answer.” Rene Schwaller de Lubicz 10/26/10

-“ Whoever is happy will make others happy.” Anne Frank 10/26/10

-“ Las personas son como las rosas. Por más buenas que puedan parecer, también tienen espinas que duelen.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“ A hug can lift pain and worries from the heart. Bringing hope and love back into the heart.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“ Sabes que eres increíble cuando gente que ni siquiera conoces te critica.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“ Your thoughts create your life. The challenge is to choose thoughts of the life you wish to live while experiencing contrary conditions.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“ We see people & things not as they are, but as we are.” Anthony De Mello 10/26/10

-“ Pon los pies sobre la tierra. Nunca encontrarás el amor si estás buscando la perfección.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“ Para evitar las críticas, no hagas nada, no digas nada, sé nadie.” Elbert Hubbard 10/26/10

-“ Si nada nos salva de la muerte, al menos que el amor nos salve de la vida.” Pablo Neruda 10/26/10

-“ Laugh, read, smile and dance to see where the life will take you.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“ The biggest obstacle in life usually turns out to be one's human ego.” Philip Arnold 10/26/10

-“ Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“ By bringing earth closer to heaven, we can all give birth to the magnificence of our own being.” Michael Teal 10/26/10

-“ Never ever limit yourself when it comes to happiness. Learn how to let go and take risk.” Maxim Gorky 10/26/10

Things to do:
1. Laugh as much as possible.
2. Take initiative.
3. Say "hi".
4. Live with no regrets.
5. Kiss everyone.
6. Take chances.
7. Be patient.
8. Stay in touch.
9. Think things through.
10. Enjoy life.

-“ When awareness is brought to an emotion, power is brought to your life.” Tara Robson 10/26/10

-“ Mostly, the people who have the biggest Impact in your Life stay for the shortest time.” Unknown author 10/26/10

-“ Mystery drives imagination.Imagination drives creativity.Creativity will drive our future evolution.” Deepak Chopra 10/26/10

-“ Love washes over us like raindrops from heaven, bathing us in meaning, purpose & joy.” Michael Teal 10/27/10

-“ Muchos pierden las pequeñas alegrías, esperando la gran felicidad.” Pearl S. Buck 10/27/10

-“ Quien de verdad sabe de qué habla, no encuentra razones para levantar la voz.” Leonardo Da Vinci 10/27/10

-“ Today will never happen again. Don't waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.” Og Mandino 10/27/10

-“ The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates 10/27/10

-“ Para qué repetir los errores antiguos habiendo tantos errores nuevos que cometer?” Bertrand Russell 10/27/10

-“ When you come up against difficulty, confusion & misunderstanding, go into your innermost sanctuary.” White Eagle 10/27/10

-“ The scariest thing about memories is thinking you're going to forget them.” Unknown author 10/27/10

-“ Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Warren Buffett 10/27/10

-“ Si deseas triunfar, dedícate a hacer lo que te gusta, el éxito vendrá por añadidura.” Unknown author 10/27/10

-“ Deep down you know that you are lovable just as you are and there is nothing to fear or protect.” Unknown author 10/27/10

-“ If there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved.” Samuel Smiles 10/27/10

-“ Lo que hacemos por nosotros mismos muere con nosotros, lo que hacemos por los demás y el mundo permanece y es inmortal.” Unknown author 10/27/10

-“Un poco de sinceridad es algo peligroso; demasiada sinceridad, es absolutamente fatal.” Oscar Wilde 10/30/10

-“La intuición de una mujer es más precisa que la certeza de un hombre.” Rudyard Kipling 10/30/10

-“¿Para qué dar explicaciones? A tus amigos no les importa y tus enemigos no las creerán.” Unknown author 10/30/10

-“You can only understand another by listening with love, do not question, just listen, to what they say & do not say!” Unknown author 10/30/10

-“ Nada es malo a menos que creas que lo es.” Unknown author 10/30/10

-“ To dwell on the things that depress or anger us, does not help in overcoming them.” Albert Einstein 10/30/10

-“ Crying doesn't indicate that you are weak. Ever since birth, it's been a sign that you're alive.” Unknown author 10/30/10

-“ Uno de los más grandes poderes que tienes es el poder de escoger.” Unknown author 10/30/10

-“ Anger is poison. It may hurt the other, it may not--it depends on the other--but it is going to hurt you, certainly.” OSHO 10/30/10

-“ As long as you derive inner help & comfort from anything, keep it.” Mahatma Gandhi 10/31/10

-“ It's essential to have a dream but you also must have a To-Do list. No dream becomes reality till you work on it!” Rick Warren 10/31/10

-“ “Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.” Henry David Thoreau 10/31/10

-“ The absence of an answer is an answer by itself.” Paulo Coelho 10/31/10

-“ The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.” Tom Clancy 10/31/10

-“ No hagas caso de los que hablan a tus espaldas, simplemente significa que estás dos pasos por delante.” Unknown author 10/31/10

-“ The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.” John Southard 10/31/10

-“ An optimist is the human personification of spring.” Susan J. Bissonette 10/31/10

-“ Quien no te quiere como eres, no merece que lo recuerdes.” Unknown author 10/31/10

-“ How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before beginning to improve the world.” Anne Frank 10/31/10

-“ Life's like mathematics. Once you fall in ♥ with it, you'll be excited to solve all the problems no matter what.” Unknown author 10/31/10

-“ El celoso, no es nunca celoso por lo que ve; con lo que se imagina basta.” Jacinto Benavente 10/31/10

-“ Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains a seed, its own lesson on how to improve for the next time.” Og Mandino 10/31/10

-“ Un amigo es un regalo que te haces a ti mismo.” Unknown author 10/31/10

-“ Puedes olvidar a aquel con el que has reído pero no a aquel con el que has llorado.” Khalil Gibrán 10/31/10

-“ Falling in love you remain a child; rising in love you mature.” Osho 10/31/10

-“ Para abrir el corazón ajeno es necesario abrir antes el propio.” Pasquier Quesnel 10/31/10

-“ A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little men.” Thomas Carlyle 10/31/10

-“ It's really nice how some people can make you smile, just by thinking about them.” Unknown author 10/31/10

-“ Por envejecer no se deja de reír; pero dejar de reír te hace envejecer.” Unknown author 10/31/10

-“ Puedes evitar la realidad, pero no sus consecuencias.” Unknown author 10/31/10

-“ Dos cosas en la vida no deberían romperse: una promesa y un corazón.” Unknown author 10/31/10

-“ You can either build bridges of love or walls of ignorance, the wisdom within you, knows what to do!” Unknown author 10/31/10

-“ A algunos los disfraces no los disfrazan, sino los revelan. Cada uno se disfraza de aquello que es por dentro.” Gilbert Chesterton 10/31/10

-“ Sucede que cuando la vida te niega una cosa es porque te tiene preparado algo mejor.” Unknown author 10/31/10

- "All the wonders you seek are within yourself." Sir Thomas Brown 10/31/10

-“ We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” Martin Luther King 10/31/10

-“ Witnessing is the quality of our true self. It is not a question of creating it, it is a discovery.” OSHO 10/31/10

-“ Learn to get in touch with the silence within & know that everything in this life has a purpose.” Elisabeth Kübler-Ross 11/01/10

-“ You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.” Deepak Chopra 11/01/10

-“ The time is always right to do the right thing.” Martin Luther King 11/01/10

-“ La vida es un lienzo en blanco. Escoge con sabiduría a quien le entregas los pinceles.” Unknown author 11/01/10

-“ To understand all is to forgive all.” Evelyn Waugh 11/01/10

-“ Una vela no pierde nada de luz cuando se prende otra vela.” Unknown author 11/01/10

-“ La gente que dice no puedo hacerlo no deberían interrumpir a aquellos que lo están haciendo.” Unknown author 11/01/10

-“ Si alguien te envidia, probablemente estás haciendo algo correcto.” Unknown author 11/01/10

2 comentarios:

  1. un buen molote de sabios todos... especialmente samantha jones!! ♥x10000000000

  2. I know... and my list will keep growing and growing!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 2!!!
